Coming to the end of a really fun weekend. I finally got to see my girlie and I was psyched. Been here since friday night and leaving in about an hour. Met her roommate...she's nuts but that's ok I guess haha. We had a good time. And my 1st day of training was great. Got a guy who looks *exactly* like Ashton Kutcher sit next...
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Right. So after all that studying for my real estate exam...I failed frown I missed it by *TWO* questions. I couldn't believe it. Im bummed but I just have to try again. On a brighter note, I start my 1st day of training tomorrow. Psyched! I's supposed to wake up in....5 hours >.< stupid can't sleep mood. robot
Oh Sweety, that sucks! Better luck next time... you'll have a better idea what the test is like at least. Hope the training goes well...
So I LOVE Judge Asbros. She dismissed my case which is awesome. I thought Id be fined or further DL suspension. But nope. So that totally made my day. Its a beautiful day in FL by the way smile send me lots of love. robot
Yay for you!! That rocks!
So I was thinking today....life is SO short. I want to make a lsit of things I want to accomplish:
1. Find my "Hidden Talent"
2. Be a good mother
3. Own my own place and car
4. Live by the beach
5. Get my pilot's license
6. Read all the "great classics"
7. Learn a new language and be somewhat fluent
8. Travel to...
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It's a pretty damn good list already. I keep a similar list myself; I update it instead of new years resolutions. Lets see, mine is a little more athletic, and includes the entries *Read both the entire bible and the entire koran and * Participate in a threesome. I hate to tell you that real NY pizza just isn't all that. Not that there isn't some really good pizza here, but you really have to search for it.

Nice new pictures, very sexy! Seriously.
Thanks to my looking through the boards, I've discovered THE sexiest thing. Ever. Girls and guys in jeans and topless. Mmm...Maybe with a cowboy hate and....haha I'll be back later... love robot
I agree, that is a very sexy look. Mmmmm
*UGH* Study study study and study some more frown Oh well. It'll be well worth it. Trying to pass my state real estate exam. Go me! Wish me lots of luck. It's on Thursday but damnit I need it. robot
Wishing you lots of luck! Come on, I know you can do it!
WOW! So I'm on the way to my job interview when...I total the car! I was on Kirkman and the guy slammed on his breaks and I hit him. Hard. No airbags or nothing. THAT was a fun afternoon smile And I've put up a few new pictures and any comments (good or constructive criticism) is very much appreciated.. robot
Dead. Yea. I killed it. skull
Ooooh, that blows!
Hey, so I've finally gotten a membership here, always wanted to. I actually applied to be a SG a while ago and got accepted but never did a shoot frown I slacked hard. I couldn't think of a good set theme...if you know one lemmee know!
You should totally do a shoot! I wouldn't even worry about theme... just have fun and get nekkid and do one!