Was karaoke again last night, the 1 year anniversary for them (+ 1 week), so there were a lot more people to see/meet. I started feeling sick when we left for the bar, but it was still a lot of fun. I actually even worked up the nerve to sing.. .. it seemed incredibly painful, but two of the girls said it sounds worse up there (I didn't imagine my voice catching though, or messing up because I know a different version of the song - slightly different pace and missing two verses) , and then the same girls and my friend tried to assure me it wasn't as bad as I thought... still kinda think they were only being nice, but even if they were, they cared enough to try? I didn't see anyone laughing, and Pete didn't try to embarrass me or anything, aside from the BJ sounds, but they kinda went with the song..? We did leave a little early since I felt worse, but most of the people had cleared out, anyway.
Wasn't feeling well this morning, either. Ended up missing work, since I didn't trust myself driving, and people would be mad if I crashed. I left 8:30 tonight, and was about 20 minutes from home when I felt sick and started having chest pain.. haven't had a spell in a while, so I guess I was due. No actual problems driving though, and I only had my trunk searched in the line today... it figures, when I only had 3 forms of ID on me was when they hassled me.
the 4th is only a work ID, but it keeps people from thinking I'm lying.
The cats are glad I'm home, and I'm not sure when I'll get to go to another event (or work on a set?), but I'm sure we can work something out eventually.. my work schedule's better, at least, so if he can work out something, I should be free to tag along.
Wasn't feeling well this morning, either. Ended up missing work, since I didn't trust myself driving, and people would be mad if I crashed. I left 8:30 tonight, and was about 20 minutes from home when I felt sick and started having chest pain.. haven't had a spell in a while, so I guess I was due. No actual problems driving though, and I only had my trunk searched in the line today... it figures, when I only had 3 forms of ID on me was when they hassled me.

The cats are glad I'm home, and I'm not sure when I'll get to go to another event (or work on a set?), but I'm sure we can work something out eventually.. my work schedule's better, at least, so if he can work out something, I should be free to tag along.
Are you really on the state side of Niagra??? Boooo! I thought you lived here. This makes me sad. Hope you come back soon.
and p.s. there are "daggers" ^^^ and then there's me.
You're not the first person who has told me that Dune wasn't for them; I guess it's an acquired taste. Although I don't mind the old film version, it is rather lacking and skipped over/altered a lot of stuff. A three part mini-series was put together a few years ago, and it was much better.