To everyone who's asked, yes, I'm still alive. It's up for debate whether this is good or not, but thanks for the concern. I managed to shake that nasty cold, but my health is still an issue right now.
I convinced my doctor about 3 weeks ago that my bp was definately an issue, and they took me off one med, put me on a new one, and dropped the dose on another. Since I was already having so many issues and they were making all those changes, I was told no driving for 3 weeks. .... I work at a place that I can't take the bus, and taxis get expensive. Even if it were nice weather and I wanted to walk to the nearest bus stop, I'd get pulled over.. or run over. So my coworkers are going a little nuts. Two days after the no driving sentence, my sciatica (that no one cares about) flared up, and I'm at the point where I can barely make it halfway through my shift without wanting to scream/cry. It's bad enough by now that the muscles are so tight and the leg's so weak that I can't even force the knee to bend, and am dragging the stupid thing around, getting ever so much attention as I gimp about. I almost got splatted by 5 semis and 1 pickup last week, because I had to walk to the other building and it's apparently so difficult to drive around stick people.
So I've got coworkers dragging me to and from work, and my poor friend has been helping me get to appointments. I also convinced him to be my buffer at my follow-up appointment on Monday... that didn't work out as well as I hoped. I sat there whining almost non-stop. They STILL won't do anything about my sciatica, which has been ignored for 6 years (3 by them) and this flare has been going on for 15 days now. I'm staying on the evil new medicine, which has made my bp spike 5 times in the first 2 weeks and I can't eat. ... I can nibble on plainish snacks, and have plain cereal. Nothing more. It's also making me a bit hyper, and I think the lithium is the only thing keeping me from going into full manic swing. But since we aren't messing with the lithium enough, lets add an anti-anxiety med (since I can't have muscle relaxants) to try to take care of what the evil medicine isn't. AND I was told no driving for 4 more weeks, but we'll see when I go back in 2.
Then my doctor bribed him with chocolate to keep an eye on me and make sure I don't drive. I bought him lunch and covered the gas for the trip out there, and will again in 2 weeks (40 minutes one way is a bit much of a favour), but apparently for the other appointments he's gotten me to, I just owe him dinner again. *shrug* He's bailing me out big time, and dinner just doesn't seem to even things out?
I did actually find out last week that my chiropractor cares about my sciatica, the first medical person since it started 6 years ago. Sadly, not many people think of chiropractors as legitimate medical practitioners. And he can only order an x-ray for now.. I think if that shows anything, he can order an MRI after, but I don't know for sure. For now, all I can do is deal. ... I didn't even get my shots on Monday, so my back is so tight I can't lay on my tummy, which is the comfiest way to sleep anyway, but especially when I can't put weight on the back or side of the leg.
Anyway, that's more than enough bitching, and I need to get the hell out of this chair. .. but if anyone can come up with a realistic way to remove the damned leg, I'm listening.
I convinced my doctor about 3 weeks ago that my bp was definately an issue, and they took me off one med, put me on a new one, and dropped the dose on another. Since I was already having so many issues and they were making all those changes, I was told no driving for 3 weeks. .... I work at a place that I can't take the bus, and taxis get expensive. Even if it were nice weather and I wanted to walk to the nearest bus stop, I'd get pulled over.. or run over. So my coworkers are going a little nuts. Two days after the no driving sentence, my sciatica (that no one cares about) flared up, and I'm at the point where I can barely make it halfway through my shift without wanting to scream/cry. It's bad enough by now that the muscles are so tight and the leg's so weak that I can't even force the knee to bend, and am dragging the stupid thing around, getting ever so much attention as I gimp about. I almost got splatted by 5 semis and 1 pickup last week, because I had to walk to the other building and it's apparently so difficult to drive around stick people.

So I've got coworkers dragging me to and from work, and my poor friend has been helping me get to appointments. I also convinced him to be my buffer at my follow-up appointment on Monday... that didn't work out as well as I hoped. I sat there whining almost non-stop. They STILL won't do anything about my sciatica, which has been ignored for 6 years (3 by them) and this flare has been going on for 15 days now. I'm staying on the evil new medicine, which has made my bp spike 5 times in the first 2 weeks and I can't eat. ... I can nibble on plainish snacks, and have plain cereal. Nothing more. It's also making me a bit hyper, and I think the lithium is the only thing keeping me from going into full manic swing. But since we aren't messing with the lithium enough, lets add an anti-anxiety med (since I can't have muscle relaxants) to try to take care of what the evil medicine isn't. AND I was told no driving for 4 more weeks, but we'll see when I go back in 2.

I did actually find out last week that my chiropractor cares about my sciatica, the first medical person since it started 6 years ago. Sadly, not many people think of chiropractors as legitimate medical practitioners. And he can only order an x-ray for now.. I think if that shows anything, he can order an MRI after, but I don't know for sure. For now, all I can do is deal. ... I didn't even get my shots on Monday, so my back is so tight I can't lay on my tummy, which is the comfiest way to sleep anyway, but especially when I can't put weight on the back or side of the leg.
Anyway, that's more than enough bitching, and I need to get the hell out of this chair. .. but if anyone can come up with a realistic way to remove the damned leg, I'm listening.