we survived dragon*con. thanks to adderall and black strap rum, we made it through all four days in the florescent dungeon of the hyatt. erg... at least i got to study for my anatomy test in more ways than one.
us: the cracked out and goo-gallied eyed merch monkeys (sans myself).

any one take better pictures of us? please send them my way...

us: the cracked out and goo-gallied eyed merch monkeys (sans myself).

any one take better pictures of us? please send them my way...
i love hellblinki. they are playing on husband's birthday...you should try to attend!

cool. i'll probably see you there....i got a little too tipsy last night ! i work until about 10...so i hope i can make it in time. i think it's an early show....but there are like five bands....so i should be fine. see you soon! xoxo