i hope everyone had a safe and happy xmas with friends and family. mine was good. i was so tired and exhausted when my family celebrated on xmas eve because of me pushing bettie when she broke down. i got lotsa stuffs that i needed.
on xmas i was really sick and sore. my sinuses went haywire and my neck, shoulders, and back were so sore that i couldnt move at all. my bro and sis in law went to go check on bettie and see if they could drive her back home. they couldnt.
i think it the radiator and maybe the throttle posistioner. she will start but die immediately. i cant afford to fix her, so i will have to junk her. i am really upset. bettie is MY ONLY INDEPENDENCE!!! i could escape my dad when i wanted easily. now i cant. i am beyond sad.
anyhoo....on to some happy....

anyhoo....on to some happy....

poor cat...

Sorry about your car. I too am without an escape from my family members.