this is lurveeeeee!
lurve, i want it!

lurve, i want it!
Isn't that just the freaking cutest thing you have ever seen!
I hope all is well with you these days. I have sort of been out the loop these past few months since I could not afford to reactivate my account, but alas I am back and better than Not really. Anyhow, I hope things are great with you, hun! *hugs*

You mentioned the weird anime Big O, well I will definitely look it up. My boyfriend wanted to introduce me to a couple he thought were weird too. The only one I have seen so far is "Colorful." The whole anime is about a bunch of guys trying to take pictures of girls panties and when they see a glimpse of panties their nose bleed and their eyes get all weird. It was absolutely hilarious, yet strange at the same time. The other, and I am not sure if this spelling is correct, is Fooli Cooli, or FLCL.