This one is for le_dantes. He was talking about missing some great shows back in the day that myself and Greggster would have seen. These are al shows that meant something to me.
I was extremely overprotected growing up, but I had my own albums....and still have some of them. I ALWAYS listened to the radio and once MTV came out, I was glued to the TV. And MTV was nothing like what it is now. I remember seeing The Cramps, The Ramones, Blondie, and The Clash regularly on there. That was my musical outlet. I was so overprotected that I was not allowed to drive until I turned 18. And the horrible thing was that I graduated a year early and could not drive until November after I graduated.
The Ramones-My friend Laura and I went to Atlanta with another couple. They went to go see Rush and dropped us off. We stayed in the front through the crappy first band and WE WERE FRONT ROW FOR THE RAMONES!!!! We were squished against the barrier and were surprised that our ribs were not broken. I got punched in the face by a skinhead. People tried to pull us off the barrier, but they never did. We POGO'd until we were going to pass out. Joey Ramone talked to US!!! This show rocked my world and I was the happiest girl EVER!
FUGAZI- I had seen them before, so we elected to sit in the balcony to see all of Guy's cool rock moves. They rocked as usual and I was glad that I saw everything from above. This particular show is available on DVD. Ian stops the show to remove a guy starting shit in the pit. Girls were up on stage sighing over Ian. I was sighing from the balcony.
The Rollins Band-This was after Weight was released, I think. We were in Atlanta, and front row again. We were in front of Chris Haskett, and he was talking to me during the show. I was singing all the songs and he was impressed. Chris Haskett is an excellent guitarist and is amazing live. The whole show was an assault on your eardrums and I loved it. I had the balls to go and talk to Chris after the show. He was the coolest. I have pix of me and Chris and he even gave me picks!!!
I had even BIGGER balls to go and talk to Henry. I got a sullen Henry pic with me all like this...
And I asked him a question about why he never comes to Knoxville anymore. Later, he came to Knoxville on a spoken word tour. And he even remembered my question and had RESEARCHED when the last time he had been there. SQUEEEEE!!!
My biggest pop-punk fantasy show was The Parasites, The Mr. T Experience, and The Queers in Chicago. ZOMG!!! It was so great. And members of Screeching Weasel were there and came out. All the bands were great that night. The Parasites are always great live, but this was the best show that I had seen them.
I have seen Saccharine Trust and Vida, with various Black Flag luminaries in the place.
The show that i missed that I am STILL mad about was The New Bomb Turks. I was a fan, and I had known about the show for months because my friend had set it up. Why couldn't I go with such advance notice? Because I got the EFFIN chicken pox at 24!!!!!!
And another band that I am still pissed about missing......ARRRGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
I was extremely overprotected growing up, but I had my own albums....and still have some of them. I ALWAYS listened to the radio and once MTV came out, I was glued to the TV. And MTV was nothing like what it is now. I remember seeing The Cramps, The Ramones, Blondie, and The Clash regularly on there. That was my musical outlet. I was so overprotected that I was not allowed to drive until I turned 18. And the horrible thing was that I graduated a year early and could not drive until November after I graduated.

The Ramones-My friend Laura and I went to Atlanta with another couple. They went to go see Rush and dropped us off. We stayed in the front through the crappy first band and WE WERE FRONT ROW FOR THE RAMONES!!!! We were squished against the barrier and were surprised that our ribs were not broken. I got punched in the face by a skinhead. People tried to pull us off the barrier, but they never did. We POGO'd until we were going to pass out. Joey Ramone talked to US!!! This show rocked my world and I was the happiest girl EVER!
FUGAZI- I had seen them before, so we elected to sit in the balcony to see all of Guy's cool rock moves. They rocked as usual and I was glad that I saw everything from above. This particular show is available on DVD. Ian stops the show to remove a guy starting shit in the pit. Girls were up on stage sighing over Ian. I was sighing from the balcony.

The Rollins Band-This was after Weight was released, I think. We were in Atlanta, and front row again. We were in front of Chris Haskett, and he was talking to me during the show. I was singing all the songs and he was impressed. Chris Haskett is an excellent guitarist and is amazing live. The whole show was an assault on your eardrums and I loved it. I had the balls to go and talk to Chris after the show. He was the coolest. I have pix of me and Chris and he even gave me picks!!!

My biggest pop-punk fantasy show was The Parasites, The Mr. T Experience, and The Queers in Chicago. ZOMG!!! It was so great. And members of Screeching Weasel were there and came out. All the bands were great that night. The Parasites are always great live, but this was the best show that I had seen them.
I have seen Saccharine Trust and Vida, with various Black Flag luminaries in the place.

The show that i missed that I am STILL mad about was The New Bomb Turks. I was a fan, and I had known about the show for months because my friend had set it up. Why couldn't I go with such advance notice? Because I got the EFFIN chicken pox at 24!!!!!!
And another band that I am still pissed about missing......ARRRGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
ahhh, the memories. i think one of my favorite punk-type shows ever was All in 93... they were touring for "Breaking Things" but they ended up playing half the songs from "Allroy's Revenge" which is my favorite of theirs... i stood in front of Karl and kept picking up his mic stand for him when he'd knock it over (small stage)... he came up to me afterward to thank me and gave me his copy of the set-list for the night. super nice guy