My kitty Henry is not doing so well. I left him in Tennessee with my parents when I moved to this god-forsaken land. I would have taken Henry with me, but he is car-sick. You can't even back out of the driveway with him as he would have already thrown up and pooped on himself. He is the greatest kitty. A big puffy sweetie named after Henry Rollins.....yeah, I went there. He never speaks and has been crying constantly. He apparently has diabetes and since he is around 14 or 15, he is not going to last long. My mom might have to put him to sleep as she doesn't want him to suffer and he really is in pain. When I got him, he had already cheated death. He had been hit by a car and left for dead. He bore the scars on his back. Fur never grew there. His hip had broken, and we were told that he may never be able to jump. He did....and high. And he was so lovey, even from the first. And you could brush him for hours. Sigh.
OK.... on to the musics.
I think that this is one of my favorites ever. I love the keyboard amazes me that it works so well. No more heroes ....i play this at work.
ZOMG!!!! I was looking for my fav GG Allin song and found this!!!! I was at this show. I met GG that night. And he was actually nice to me, because we had mutual friends. He joked around a bit before the show with us. And if you look UP to the right of the stage, there is a window with people hanging out. That is where I was at most of the night....backstage. There are 2 band rooms at the Electric Ballroom, or the Orpheus....I don't remember which it was called then.....but they are on both sides of the stage. GG was in the one on the other side of the stage that you don't see. We spent time throwing stuff back and forth over the stage while other bands were performing. This was pure awesome!!!! Early in the video, you see GG grab a girl, and a guy intervene. That was my friend Chris Andrews. He saw GG grab a girl with long hair and being drunk, thought it was me.
My hair was similar then. What a sweetie....tussling with GG for me. It makes my heart happy. I looked, but I don't really see myself in the video. I think that I am the girl up against the wall in black, standing with a guy, but I can't really see to tell. I know that I was near there at points in the night. I know this is the first song of the set and I was on the floor for about 5 or 6 songs. GG had bashed his head and was bleeding profusely, spotted me and started after me. I seriously have a thing about blood and was frozen in my spot. My BF grabbed my hand, and ran me out before GG got me. is the video. my song. The video is crap, but it is the recorded version of the song....
OK.... on to the musics.
I think that this is one of my favorites ever. I love the keyboard amazes me that it works so well. No more heroes ....i play this at work.
ZOMG!!!! I was looking for my fav GG Allin song and found this!!!! I was at this show. I met GG that night. And he was actually nice to me, because we had mutual friends. He joked around a bit before the show with us. And if you look UP to the right of the stage, there is a window with people hanging out. That is where I was at most of the night....backstage. There are 2 band rooms at the Electric Ballroom, or the Orpheus....I don't remember which it was called then.....but they are on both sides of the stage. GG was in the one on the other side of the stage that you don't see. We spent time throwing stuff back and forth over the stage while other bands were performing. This was pure awesome!!!! Early in the video, you see GG grab a girl, and a guy intervene. That was my friend Chris Andrews. He saw GG grab a girl with long hair and being drunk, thought it was me. my song. The video is crap, but it is the recorded version of the song....
Yes, I am walking again.. and very very scared. I will be ok tho.. I am tough right?