This is from someone else's blog. And it made me cry. Because this is what I want. I want someone to feel that way about me. I want the fairytale, but a real one. I am not scared of REAL life. Or a REAL relationship. And that is what I mean by a fairytale-a real relationship. And the sad thing is that I am still crying........
so here it is.
All the times from before meeting her -hard times, good times, the AWFUL times... They seem so easy to forget once you find a true, solid, unbreakable love. I can have the shittiest day at work, i can barely be able to pay bills for months (hello right now), it could rain for a month straight... But knowing i have my little bunny, out there somewhere on this earth, thinking of me and smiling... It washes it all away, and i smile too, and i go on with my day just like i always do, except now i have something to ALWAYS be happy about.
It's funny cuz something like that is so hard to find for some people. You & I that is, & so when we ask for it we think it comes off as over demanding or asking too much ha ha. Someday my friend, someday...