HOLY FUDGICLES BATMAN!!!! It is currently -10 here with a windchill of -31. I got a little scared for a millisecond when I started up Bettie tonight. She faltered, but started. *whew*
I am tired. I have been working later all week, It is not so much the physical exhaustion, it is more the mental exhaustion and frustration of not being done, We have 3 to 4 times the normal business that we normally have. We are holding it together for now, but I am scared of the end of the month,
I had my physical. It is mostly the same as always. I have blood pressure and a pulse rate that some people would kill for. I am more chunky this time.
and I have a few days to get my bloodwork back. I can ALMOST tell you what it will say. Excellent HDL and LDL , good glucose, probably near the low end of normal hemoglobin, and virtually no anti nuclear antibodies. I will be surprised if it says any different. We had the LUPUS talk again, and I know that they are checking for another marker. I also know that I may not be diagnosed until much later in my life. I know that I will probably have high titer counts, and then no titer counts.
And it seems that I am leaning towards the kind that my grandfather had, which is preferable.
I also have another test to be scheduled, An ultrasound. And I am kind of worried. But we have talked about it and other crap. I also HAVE to start back on birth control, or my loser pill. I call it my loser pill because I take it even THOUGH I know that I won't have the secks.
Anyway, I am VERY glad that I have a long weekend!
I need strong women vids......
BTW- My mom was the one that told me the day that WOW died....
I am tired. I have been working later all week, It is not so much the physical exhaustion, it is more the mental exhaustion and frustration of not being done, We have 3 to 4 times the normal business that we normally have. We are holding it together for now, but I am scared of the end of the month,
I had my physical. It is mostly the same as always. I have blood pressure and a pulse rate that some people would kill for. I am more chunky this time.
I also have another test to be scheduled, An ultrasound. And I am kind of worried. But we have talked about it and other crap. I also HAVE to start back on birth control, or my loser pill. I call it my loser pill because I take it even THOUGH I know that I won't have the secks.
Anyway, I am VERY glad that I have a long weekend!
I need strong women vids......
BTW- My mom was the one that told me the day that WOW died....
THat is a super secret squirrel secret and even bad typing cant make me give it yup.. MUAHAHAHAHA *hic* HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA *hic* HA
How are you mel?