I am really very tired today. I think that I am trying to get a sinus infection. It probably was not a good idea for me to mow the backyard. I had to move some HUGE branches and then the plastic chute thing kept coming off, so i just took it off. The grass was too tall for the mulching thing, so the grass, pollen, and miscellaenous allergen inducers came right back at me. And i noticed that some of the things that i had planted last year apparently have died. I planted a japanese maple, 4 mexican heather plants(which I LOVED), and 2 of my 12 lavender plants are all dead. BLARGH!
My creepy stalker neighbor has moved EVEN closer to me. He is now katy-cornered from me. I was opening ONE of my front blinds again, but no more now. I cannot enjoy the view out the four picture windows again. And neither can the kitties. This really sucks. I need to go out and rake up the remainder of the medieval torture balls (sweetgum seed pods) in the front yard. I can't do this with a creepy guy watching me!!
My mom is still doing well. I am really glad and very proud. She has a great spirit and I think that I have inherited a great deal of it from her. We both do what we have to in order to do what is best for ourselves and others, no matter how much we dont want to. Maybe a better way of putting that is that we both do the things that are important? And don't let things get us down??? I dunno. But she really is an amazing lady.
I have FINALLY scheduled my vacation at work so now i need to raise the funds! I really need a vacation. TRULY! I have not done anything fun just for me in so very long. I always do house stuff on my vacations or go and see my family. I haven't seen Nikki in so very long and she will be having the baby in less than 2 months. I haven't been to visit Cara in about 7 years now. WTF??? Wow...as I was typing that, I was truly shocked. So the plan....RAISE $$$$ FOR VACATION!!!! I will accept ANY donations!!!
I got an email that really upset me today. But I also got a message that made me superhappy, so I guess that the happy one pwns the bad one.
My creepy stalker neighbor has moved EVEN closer to me. He is now katy-cornered from me. I was opening ONE of my front blinds again, but no more now. I cannot enjoy the view out the four picture windows again. And neither can the kitties. This really sucks. I need to go out and rake up the remainder of the medieval torture balls (sweetgum seed pods) in the front yard. I can't do this with a creepy guy watching me!!
My mom is still doing well. I am really glad and very proud. She has a great spirit and I think that I have inherited a great deal of it from her. We both do what we have to in order to do what is best for ourselves and others, no matter how much we dont want to. Maybe a better way of putting that is that we both do the things that are important? And don't let things get us down??? I dunno. But she really is an amazing lady.
I have FINALLY scheduled my vacation at work so now i need to raise the funds! I really need a vacation. TRULY! I have not done anything fun just for me in so very long. I always do house stuff on my vacations or go and see my family. I haven't seen Nikki in so very long and she will be having the baby in less than 2 months. I haven't been to visit Cara in about 7 years now. WTF??? Wow...as I was typing that, I was truly shocked. So the plan....RAISE $$$$ FOR VACATION!!!! I will accept ANY donations!!!
I got an email that really upset me today. But I also got a message that made me superhappy, so I guess that the happy one pwns the bad one.
we had a great cabin in the woods, but the "Church Dinner Theater" theme of the area was a little overkill.