Hmmmm.....I could get used to not working on the weekends, but I have to pay the bills, put food on the table and have a roof over my head somehow!!!
Had a good time last night with my mate Scotti. Went out for dinner and then saw Constantine. Still yet to make my mind up on whether I like that film.
Had a beautiful sleep in this morning, which was my wish for this weekend. Slept in till 10.30am. Ahhhh, to be under my doona with my fur blanky all snug whilst it rained was heaven.
Scotti and I planned to do some photography in the city but the weather was not good for the shots I was after. Decided to take Scotti on a surprise visit to the art gallery. We had a fantastic time. Spent pretty much all day there. Good to finally have a male mate to hang out with again. Will be going to see the Andy Warhol exhibition and the Grotesque exhibition. Looking forawrd to seeing those. Bought a couple of books. Well Scotti bought me one. Egon Schieles' Drawing and Watercolours. A beautiful artist that more people should know about. I finally bought Brett Whitelys', Art and Life. Absolutely my favorite Australian artist. Trying to find his book of dog pissing sketches he did whilst in France. Going to be a hard one to find I think.
Spent the evening at Federation Square, dining and watching some of the Grand Prix on the big screen.
After a great day, topped it off by stretching my ears again. Stretched for the 3rd time this week. Lots of pain but bloody worth it.
Tomorrow is going to be a nice relaxing day at home. Enjoying peace and quiet. Going back the doctors in the morning to get stronger anti-biotics for my bronchitis. Lovely fevers, cough and hot ears are still hanging round. If the weather turns out well in the arvo might go to the botanical gardens and see if I can get some shots.
Looking forward to the kiddies coming home tomorrow night from their fathers. Missing them like crazy even though I dont see them for a day. Feels like forever though.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Had a good time last night with my mate Scotti. Went out for dinner and then saw Constantine. Still yet to make my mind up on whether I like that film.
Had a beautiful sleep in this morning, which was my wish for this weekend. Slept in till 10.30am. Ahhhh, to be under my doona with my fur blanky all snug whilst it rained was heaven.
Scotti and I planned to do some photography in the city but the weather was not good for the shots I was after. Decided to take Scotti on a surprise visit to the art gallery. We had a fantastic time. Spent pretty much all day there. Good to finally have a male mate to hang out with again. Will be going to see the Andy Warhol exhibition and the Grotesque exhibition. Looking forawrd to seeing those. Bought a couple of books. Well Scotti bought me one. Egon Schieles' Drawing and Watercolours. A beautiful artist that more people should know about. I finally bought Brett Whitelys', Art and Life. Absolutely my favorite Australian artist. Trying to find his book of dog pissing sketches he did whilst in France. Going to be a hard one to find I think.
Spent the evening at Federation Square, dining and watching some of the Grand Prix on the big screen.
After a great day, topped it off by stretching my ears again. Stretched for the 3rd time this week. Lots of pain but bloody worth it.
Tomorrow is going to be a nice relaxing day at home. Enjoying peace and quiet. Going back the doctors in the morning to get stronger anti-biotics for my bronchitis. Lovely fevers, cough and hot ears are still hanging round. If the weather turns out well in the arvo might go to the botanical gardens and see if I can get some shots.
Looking forward to the kiddies coming home tomorrow night from their fathers. Missing them like crazy even though I dont see them for a day. Feels like forever though.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

dunno why that just eeked me out.