Well finally I am back from the dead...Albury knows how to drain someone from any life they have. The nothingness there just drains you.
I have just recovered from a rather big night on Friday. This was made worse for the fact I got home at 7 on Saturday morn and had to start work at 10. Didn't finish till 7pm Sunday. Oh fuck i am still wrecked.
I will post a better journal entry later. Right now i think I need to have a little lie down.
Hope all is well with everyone and I will reply to ev eryones journal when i can think straight.
Catch you guys
I have just recovered from a rather big night on Friday. This was made worse for the fact I got home at 7 on Saturday morn and had to start work at 10. Didn't finish till 7pm Sunday. Oh fuck i am still wrecked.
I will post a better journal entry later. Right now i think I need to have a little lie down.
Hope all is well with everyone and I will reply to ev eryones journal when i can think straight.
Catch you guys

ya ya i know what that is like as i am recovering from too many late nights ..jes need a few good nights sleep ...btw , i love the backpiece also..is it an anime character or japanese calligraphy???
yay for albury.. err, i mean... yawn for albury..