Got trashed last night. Foo foo drinks.. yea, I'm not hardcore seeing as those drinks are my specialites. Whatever gets the job done. (Tolerance is important too).
Went with Krista, Meghan and Kathy (sexxxy porn star look-alike).
Meghan was all up on me.
Kissed her. Twice. No "in depth" kisses. Just..kisses. Make sense?
I was THIS close :: holds up index finger and thumb :: from having a lesbian/sex encounter with this chick. I could've. But she was totally wasted. I'd feel like I was taking advantage of her and Krista made me promise not to do anything. Argh, Krista.
She's really cute.. (Meghan).. she sorta looks like Kat on that Tech TV show (can't think of the name - i just spaced).
She's sober now and says she STILL wants me. Hmmm. I don't know.
I'm pissed. Yea I am. And tired. Only slept for 4 hours. Cleaned. I have a clean room. Yea.. now there is only a layer of junk over the pre-organized junk. Improvement, yes.
Went with Krista, Meghan and Kathy (sexxxy porn star look-alike).
Meghan was all up on me.
Kissed her. Twice. No "in depth" kisses. Just..kisses. Make sense?
I was THIS close :: holds up index finger and thumb :: from having a lesbian/sex encounter with this chick. I could've. But she was totally wasted. I'd feel like I was taking advantage of her and Krista made me promise not to do anything. Argh, Krista.
She's really cute.. (Meghan).. she sorta looks like Kat on that Tech TV show (can't think of the name - i just spaced).
She's sober now and says she STILL wants me. Hmmm. I don't know.
I'm pissed. Yea I am. And tired. Only slept for 4 hours. Cleaned. I have a clean room. Yea.. now there is only a layer of junk over the pre-organized junk. Improvement, yes.
4 hours sleep. That must of been nice! I sleep about 3 hours a night but not all at once. Damn night terror shit!
Well good night! I hope you sleep good!!!