sometimes i think about the abrupt execution of what i thought was a promising friendship.
and i wonder who was more hurt by its untimely death.
but, then i remember, friendship was the last thing on their mind from the beginning.
it's so shallow. . . .oh, you know. . . .that most of my friendships die as casualties of the same explosion.
are people :really: so different, then?
if so, i'd like any friends i have now to promise me they'll be more creative in terminating friendship with me down the road than those ghostly friends of the past have been. get together. may you each come up with individual reasons that aren't so vapid. it will be greatly appreciated.
i need a new ending to these same old stories.
i've come to the realization that having all guy friends cannot work forever. ahh, yes. and that, there are just some things i'd rather chat with a chick about. what? where do i find this chick friend? where can i place a personal?
she'd have to like hard music. and she'd have a hard personality. be hilarious. have a sarcastic, dry wit. she'd drink wine coolers with me like water, and we'd exchange 80s mix tapes and talk about secret crushes. i've never had any best friend-types to share stuff like that with. she couldn't be drug-addict-for-a-best-friend, because i've been there and done that. there would be sleepovers and dvds. we'd go to shows together, and spend obscene amounts of money on tee shirts in new york. we'd share clothes and make up lies to tell people with each other. she wouldn't freak out when i told her how hot i think Donna off That 70s Show is. she'd wanna start a band, even if the thought was just for amusement at the time of its conception. she'd like gore, and zombie flicks. she'd make fun of all the other girls ever with me. she'd talk about sex like it was nothing. and not give a fuck what anyone thought.
and for ONCE - she wouldn't talk shit about me behind my back, back-stab me, fuck me over, or be untrustworthy. and there would be no jealousy. just a healthy respect for each other's bold personalities.
she'd have gone through a lot, and had actual life stories to tell. be as old, or older than yours truly. she will have LOATHED high school. hehehe.
oh, and if she likes to wear lots of black eyeliner, that's a plus.
where art thou, dream best friend?
***Some things are better left unknown, unsaid and undecided. I hope that's helpful.
and i wonder who was more hurt by its untimely death.
but, then i remember, friendship was the last thing on their mind from the beginning.
it's so shallow. . . .oh, you know. . . .that most of my friendships die as casualties of the same explosion.
are people :really: so different, then?
if so, i'd like any friends i have now to promise me they'll be more creative in terminating friendship with me down the road than those ghostly friends of the past have been. get together. may you each come up with individual reasons that aren't so vapid. it will be greatly appreciated.
i need a new ending to these same old stories.
i've come to the realization that having all guy friends cannot work forever. ahh, yes. and that, there are just some things i'd rather chat with a chick about. what? where do i find this chick friend? where can i place a personal?
she'd have to like hard music. and she'd have a hard personality. be hilarious. have a sarcastic, dry wit. she'd drink wine coolers with me like water, and we'd exchange 80s mix tapes and talk about secret crushes. i've never had any best friend-types to share stuff like that with. she couldn't be drug-addict-for-a-best-friend, because i've been there and done that. there would be sleepovers and dvds. we'd go to shows together, and spend obscene amounts of money on tee shirts in new york. we'd share clothes and make up lies to tell people with each other. she wouldn't freak out when i told her how hot i think Donna off That 70s Show is. she'd wanna start a band, even if the thought was just for amusement at the time of its conception. she'd like gore, and zombie flicks. she'd make fun of all the other girls ever with me. she'd talk about sex like it was nothing. and not give a fuck what anyone thought.
and for ONCE - she wouldn't talk shit about me behind my back, back-stab me, fuck me over, or be untrustworthy. and there would be no jealousy. just a healthy respect for each other's bold personalities.
she'd have gone through a lot, and had actual life stories to tell. be as old, or older than yours truly. she will have LOATHED high school. hehehe.
oh, and if she likes to wear lots of black eyeliner, that's a plus.
where art thou, dream best friend?
***Some things are better left unknown, unsaid and undecided. I hope that's helpful.