sitting on the edge of an abyss, dangling my legs.

always fun.
the past few days haven't been so good. i am struggling with the idea that i am innately selfish for wanting things, and the fact that i care too much for other people to satisfy my own happiness.

in actual fact i am feeling tired, emotionally drained and physically sick at things that i make myself read which only make my head feel worse.

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We live in a selfish world where no one wants to donate the other one feel proud of yourself as well! You are a lovely person!!! smile

the air felt good tonight.
walking slowly, breathing consciously,
heading back to pick up my car.
weaving through blank faced students
giggling over mundance incidents
things that arent meant to rhyme.

i wore my black fashionable jacket
with the slightly off centre collar
one of the few things i own
that make me feel as i am but twenty three
roaming around, in a wobbly...
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that is beautiful.
sad, but touching.
i have this ejector seat button.

it's kind of useful.

when it all gets a bit much, i just press it and whoooosshh i'm off into a better land.

but these ejector seats have a bit of a design flaw. they've still got to land, and they still fall really hard, and they really hurt. which seems almost pointless- until you panic the next time...
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what a weird month.

i've turned 23. quit my job, gone to paris, moved to a new town, started a new job, assisted with a festival, had an almost hugely successful party (almost in that it wasn't huge), made twelve or so new friends, prepared for another festival and eaten more jalapenos than i have in the past year.

so. where to start.

it feels...
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what is with the self destruct button?

stop looking at your past, and their past, my past. it's gone, everyone has changed since then. it doesn't have to be the fucking same for everyone. it doesnt make you any less important because the outcome isn't the same.


I know!!

what a bugger eh?!

wooo!! happy birthday me biggrin

i left work today too, which is pretty sweet timing (and i thought) a great double celebration. and in all fairness, i've had an enjoyable day. but come the end of work there was just me sittiing alone in a pub with an embarrassing array of balloons, and a phone full of apologetic texts.



And sorry that other peoples lameness did not adequately cover my own!! frown
Happy Belated birthday , thats well harsh what happened too you , hopefully they are all going too make it up too you biggrin