When King Arthur and his Knights embarked on their quest for the Holy Grail, they did so because they believed in the miraculous powers it would hold. They risked life and limb, friendships and wives, fought every enemy who came their way and outwitted the rest. So driven were they by this one item, that they first had to relinquish every other item and love...
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deep cleaning my flat, buying equipment for my allotment, writing lists, having intentions of going to the gym...

maybe i'm starting to feel a bit better smile
I wasn't going to post about this- but fuck it, I have all of three readers (hello!) and I'm really enjoying this blogging. It's helping calm my mind, stop me chewing it all over.

I am an excellent sleeper, and a non-napper. Provided the clock is past 11 pm, I can curl up in any form of space and sleep deeply until morning. I...
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so having braved up and accepted that my mental state might be on the outskirts of conventional, told the doctor about it and been advised to deal with it using methods such as uh... positive mental attitude and exercise, i've been feeling a little lost. confused

it's taken me 7 years to even admit that i had a problem, and it's built up in my...
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i missed my doctors appointment the other day- something about living with a fuggy head which makes you forget everything. like putting money away (and then it gets stolen), like a doctors appointment (so the receptionist gives a lecture on how many millions are wasted each year waiting for people), like turning the heating on, or off, like turning the oven on, or off, like...
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got a big week up ahead, my first end of the financial year, so lots of amending mistakes, tying up mathematical ends and checking shit over.

not entirely sure how to do this mind.....and i'm not exactly hot on maths....so uh wish me luck! hehe.

otherwise things are ok, a bit better. my flat is a continual dump thanks to my flatmate also being my...
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Wow, thank you for that, it means a lot to know that someone else out there understands how shit I feel right now.

Funny, I was referred to the Mood Gym last Thursday too, it's pretty good so far.

Good luck with the doctors tomorrow hon, I'm still refusing medication because I feel I need to address my issues rather than just take a pill to make me feel better, but that's just me. I also realise that if I don't start feeling better soon, meds will be something that I may need to consider, if only to give me a little bit of positive energy to enable me to address said issues.

Anyway, welcome to SG, I hope you enjoy your stay biggrin


That exciting, eh?

Do what i did at work and get people to paint swear words on the wall take a picture and then at a later date you can smugly claim that you wrote cock on the wall.
mmmm getting pissed by myself! biggrin

nearly ripped myself open tonight, but didn't. managed instead to go for a forty minute drive to nowhere and smoke 12 badly made rollies. i'm happy with that.

been doing more of the mind gym stuff that i put in my previous post. it's coming back with dangerously high levels on every section so far; that's anxiety, stress, low confidence...
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I was wrong, this hasn't made me happier, and I won't find those answers in someone else either.

Pushed everyone away; I will just be alone now.

For the little it is worth, I'm sorry.
if every problem in my head weighed a stone, and then placed itself on top of my head, that would explain this headache.

this is helping:

blackeyed blackeyed blackeyed

I've made a doctors appointment for next Tuesday, see if they can help me stop feeling like such an ugly pathetic fraud.