i can't sleep.

i would like a new job. i'm applying for one this week, it isn't much better but it's a new experience and a pay jump which is probably the most important part right now.

i need to get back down the gym and in a routine.this is happening as of tomorrow, it's just not acceptable.

i also need a lot of time...
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didn't update, whoops.

friday was cool. yesterday was productive. today i'm grouchy and rubbish.

very cool night in London.

shattered, got a bit of a cold, will update more tomorrow whilst watching some TV in my pajamas.

sleep well! biggrin

Hello SG world

I've been blogging on here for a month or so now, and my attempt to find some friends has been surprisingly difficult- so I shall try again.

My name is Liz, I'm from the UK. I'm 22 going on 9 going on 48. I'm not particularly crazy or different, I have my quirks. I wish I had time to take awesome photos...
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one busy weekend coming to a close, drumming myself up for a manic Monday morning...

last thursday i went to see Portishead at Brixton Academy with a fine young gentleman. we got jacked up on haribo (rock and roll eh) and giggled our way up to London, him reminding me of an unfortunate illness that has made us rename a greater London town- Sickup, and...
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oh angst.

can i even be bothered???

perception is such a tricky fucker, one minute i cannot see anything but black fog, the next i'm dancing in rainbows. makes my head spin. puke


Piss List

* driving my car badly, all day.
* not being able to help you
and...clearly upsetting you in the process
* not knowing what you're feeling about last weekend
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words are easy. easy to manipulate, think about, research, edit, reform, remould, shape...into however you want them to read.

speech, is harder. speech blusters, stumbles, runs away with itself. speech exposes the naked, vulnerable inner core, exposes it for what it is.

actions, are even more difficult. to do the things we say we will, to decide, plan, invest, move. action is a slippery...
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SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

A wretched soul, bruised with adversity,
We bid be quiet when we hear it cry;
But were we burdened with like weight of pain,
As much or more we should ourselves complain.
William Shakespeare

Screaming Hallelujah

One Sunday, a short while from now.

A flat, far from here, a musky scented doorway. The scrabbles of a young dog, grappling with the wooden floor on the other side. You knock and stand.

A woman with unkempt hair trailing, a ruffled dress and long socks. China replaced, quick bids to arrange, a distant giggly shout. A dog shooed, awkward clanks of...
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Melancholia is feeling pretty rubbish, and knows that it is her problem. Since the questioning and analysing of the reasons for her feeling rubbish don't seem to help, she's going to write a list of answers, get a cup of tea and go and try to sleep.

1. Eat three small regular meals every day.
2. Snack on raw vegetables.
3. Go to the gym...
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