It was a fantastic trip to Target today! Truly a wonderful place, especially concidering that it is 2 hours away. We each had a cart today. It did not snow this weekend. The weather people predict snow and then change their minds 4 hours later. I think perhaps weatherman is a great job because apparently they do not need to be correct, just close; they can predict cold and snow and if it is at least cold_they are close.
I have to go to work tomorrow_yuck. I envy the independently wealthy at times. Reality: I wouldn't want to work as hard as some people do to get filthy rich. And I like teaching, a profession which will never make me wealthy, monetarily speaking.
I have to go to work tomorrow_yuck. I envy the independently wealthy at times. Reality: I wouldn't want to work as hard as some people do to get filthy rich. And I like teaching, a profession which will never make me wealthy, monetarily speaking.