Mondays suck! I hate preppy high school senior girls_I hated them when I was in high school and they still irritate the fuck out of me now that I am teaching them. I have two who can be described as self absorbed bitches (seriously) who I think I am going to have to kick out of the play I am directing (or they will wait and quit at the most inopportune time I think). Why can't people remove their heads from their asses? I realize that they are just teenagers; but I also know that personalities can be set for life at that age_well, if they are lucky something will force them to grow and see the world and everyone else in it.
I just needed to vent the frustration of dealing with a couple of brats. For the love of all things holy! I need a vacation with copious amounts of relaxation, hard crazy sex, drinks, good food, sweet silly sex, and relaxation (in that order).
I just needed to vent the frustration of dealing with a couple of brats. For the love of all things holy! I need a vacation with copious amounts of relaxation, hard crazy sex, drinks, good food, sweet silly sex, and relaxation (in that order).
"I need a vacation with copious amounts of relaxation, hard crazy sex, drinks, good food, sweet silly sex, and relaxation (in that order)."