It snowed last night. We thought that we might make it into October before the first snowfall_but alas, it came down after midnight last night. We had a good three inches. It is staring to melt already today though. But, it was lovely early this morning_except for the giant tree limb that came down in the front yard, but all of our neighbors had limbs down as well (leaves still on the tree + snow= heavy limb). I will post some pics of our Sept. winter wonderland later today. The funny part is that my little girl cat just had to go outside at 6 this morning (she is indoor only, but likes to sneak out with a person about twice a year_as long as you are walking within 5 ft. to keep her safe). This is her first snow; so, she pretended to be a fierce snow leopard for about 5 minutes.
That is my update from the frozen north lands.
That is my update from the frozen north lands.

have fun