Holy shit! Three days til the big reduction. . .or the reduction to get rid of the big (whatever). I had a mild freakout last night about it. Scared out of mind actually-- about whether the result will be good, the pain, the pain, and well...the pain. I had both my feet operated on, they broke bones, put in pins, I was on cruches and walking with only my heels touching the floor and I wasn't scared. Luckily I have a very pragmatic husband who pointed out that I didn't have half my feet removed (I will be having half of my breasts removed) and that the freakout is normal and expected. I am back to looking forward to the surgery today. I imagine that I still have some freaking out to do though.
More Blogs
Monday Dec 10, 2007
Feeling somewhat better today physically (getting over the cold); I f… -
Sunday Dec 09, 2007
Damn it, I hate being sick. I am all congested and achy; my throat do… -
Saturday Dec 08, 2007
Hell in a handbasket.... what a great image and potential for a good … -
Saturday Dec 08, 2007
It is cold and snowy, I am thinking warm thoughts though... -
Tuesday Dec 04, 2007
Why when you are five they make you take naps in kindergarten, and no… -
Wednesday Nov 28, 2007
I am headed out of town at 6 am tomorrow. I will have a gaggle of hig… -
Sunday Nov 25, 2007
Boo hoo, I go back to work tomorrow. I should not complain, I get ple… -
Sunday Nov 18, 2007
Sunday morning cleaning house, yuck; but there is no fairygod cleanin… -
Saturday Nov 17, 2007
My head hurts, I need a massage (I know just who I want it from too),… -
Saturday Nov 17, 2007
It is Saturday morning, not yet 6, why am I awake?
That comment from the Mr. sounds about right.
Have fun.
~The English Department Warlord