Souvient toi de ton corps merg sous l'eau,
La sensation d'tre dans le ventre de ta mre,
Souvient toi du vent et du soleil,
comme l'amour indivorsable de deux parents aimants,
Souvient toi des sentiers dans les bois,
comme autant de possibilits magiques,
Souvient toi du canal et des les,
o chauqe couch de soleil semblait plus long,
Souvient toi des Beach Boys,
dans ton...
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La sensation d'tre dans le ventre de ta mre,
Souvient toi du vent et du soleil,
comme l'amour indivorsable de deux parents aimants,
Souvient toi des sentiers dans les bois,
comme autant de possibilits magiques,
Souvient toi du canal et des les,
o chauqe couch de soleil semblait plus long,
Souvient toi des Beach Boys,
dans ton...
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des golands.
I love the photos you recently put up in the photography group, they're amazing!
Yeah Im back, like Eminem or something...
Did I miss you guys? well, to be honest : not really...
I was more missing the "vibe" except for the pink they put everywhere (you see!)
I surely lost most of my so called friends while I was away but who can blame them?
Did I miss you guys? well, to be honest : not really...
I was more missing the "vibe" except for the pink they put everywhere (you see!)
I surely lost most of my so called friends while I was away but who can blame them?
most of the people that are really good friends of mine see me less than once a month. i think i can handle it.
i didn't really miss you. but i'm glad you're back.
take any cool pictures while you were gone?
i didn't really miss you. but i'm glad you're back.
take any cool pictures while you were gone?
Oh, et a part le vibe, qu,est ce qui nous vaut ce retour?
Tu tais en manque de SG, espce d'addict
Tu tais en manque de SG, espce d'addict
Bon, tant mieux alors.
Comme ca tu m'as dbloqu?
Comme ca tu m'as dbloqu?
Guts and Greetings Mekzym!!
(et Salut! J'ai excuse pour le response plus tardy...Yeah, I used to speak French, can U tell?)
Thanks for puttin up your possible pinneal gland to the power of THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY, where we strive to take Horror one fuckin step furthur by actually gettin gritty, Making sure that what your Fright Fix is in need of? We got it, and mucho more!
The only task that we ask, is that you answer The 13 Questions, (In the 13 Questions page...Keep it in the club!) You cannot fail, because if you belong? There is not one answer you can get wrong. Yes, you have 3 days, but we are a liberal lot, just make sure you do it, DAMMIT!
Last, But not least, once again, I am looking foward to gazing over your grey matter splatter, and possibly even finding a whole bunch of insane new fiends to play with...(We heart play dates!).
Welcome to all things Abominable...
(I miss Montreal...used to live off Ave de Pins, near the park...How was this winter? haha.)
Guts and Greetings Mekzym!!
(et Salut! J'ai excuse pour le response plus tardy...Yeah, I used to speak French, can U tell?)
Thanks for puttin up your possible pinneal gland to the power of THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY, where we strive to take Horror one fuckin step furthur by actually gettin gritty, Making sure that what your Fright Fix is in need of? We got it, and mucho more!
The only task that we ask, is that you answer The 13 Questions, (In the 13 Questions page...Keep it in the club!) You cannot fail, because if you belong? There is not one answer you can get wrong. Yes, you have 3 days, but we are a liberal lot, just make sure you do it, DAMMIT!
Last, But not least, once again, I am looking foward to gazing over your grey matter splatter, and possibly even finding a whole bunch of insane new fiends to play with...(We heart play dates!).
Welcome to all things Abominable...
(I miss Montreal...used to live off Ave de Pins, near the park...How was this winter? haha.)
Karo corn syrup and red food dye
whoa whoa whoa. let's not be too brash here. Losing those sideburns could be a big mistake. I mean... Think about it. Life without sideburns?
It's too painful for me to imagine
It's too painful for me to imagine
yeah je vais faire ca je vais essailler de faire 50km par jour pour 4 jours ca va etre intense
J'aime Mark Ryden.
La file tattoue sur mon bras est inspire de son genre.
On t'a dit qu'on t,attendrait en haut du Coppa. on est genre rest presque 30 minutes et t'es jamais venu!
JE vais bien mais tres fatigue et ma semaine s'annonce fatigante.
bonne nuit xpo
La file tattoue sur mon bras est inspire de son genre.
On t'a dit qu'on t,attendrait en haut du Coppa. on est genre rest presque 30 minutes et t'es jamais venu!
JE vais bien mais tres fatigue et ma semaine s'annonce fatigante.
bonne nuit xpo
So guess what...yesterday it was the Valentine day...yeah yeah, but you knew it right? (unless your a )
So I past the evening at the -Fouf- and there was 40 peaple max
So I drank a couple of 7$ picher with some of my friends.
Nothing exceptional, nothing extrordinary.
This is how it goes when your a bunch of single dudes.
so stop kissing you...
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So I past the evening at the -Fouf- and there was 40 peaple max
So I drank a couple of 7$ picher with some of my friends.
Nothing exceptional, nothing extrordinary.
This is how it goes when your a bunch of single dudes.
so stop kissing you...
Read More
t'es tellement bb!
Just refer back to my earlier post ... I think it still applies, even now
kittttttttttty aww soooo adorable!
p.s. which pic????
p.s. which pic????
vellin: jumping? hahahaha that pic just sums up my personality
why am i still awake at 2:53 am?? i'm addicted to the internet...sigh..
why am i still awake at 2:53 am?? i'm addicted to the internet...sigh..
Ouin, moi aussi je serais stress a ta place
Je suis plus belle en vrai, en plus hahahaha.
Allons, allons. Je suis un peu stresse de rencontrer a peu pres tout le monde. C'est toujours drole rencontrer des gens une fois quela plupart t'ont jja vu nue en photo
bonne journeeeee xoxox
Je suis plus belle en vrai, en plus hahahaha.
Allons, allons. Je suis un peu stresse de rencontrer a peu pres tout le monde. C'est toujours drole rencontrer des gens une fois quela plupart t'ont jja vu nue en photo
bonne journeeeee xoxox
Thanks for the comment on my picture. I didn't expect it to get any votes, but i just liked the textural quality and i figured I should be confident enough to submit something i really like.
and yeah. this whole money business and all that nonsense is just... a bummer. But i think it really puts things into perspective as far as how goals need to be set and plans need to be made to reach those goals so that I get what i want out of life.
still. it'd be nice to win the lottery or something
and yeah. this whole money business and all that nonsense is just... a bummer. But i think it really puts things into perspective as far as how goals need to be set and plans need to be made to reach those goals so that I get what i want out of life.
still. it'd be nice to win the lottery or something
Je me suis fait tattouer " Beauty is inner self"
Et oui, avec ta fcamra, ca m'aiderait beaucoup
Et oui, avec ta fcamra, ca m'aiderait beaucoup
Lucky man...
Wow, tes photos sont vraiment belles.
Je te le dis ici et pas sur msn. Comme ca ca me fait un beau comment a t'crire.
Je viens juste de me rendre compte du nombre de fautes que j,ai faites hier soir hahaha.
Je suis contente que tu aimes ta poupe, et ta mere aussi. MA PREMIERE POUPE GARS
Je te le dis ici et pas sur msn. Comme ca ca me fait un beau comment a t'crire.
Je viens juste de me rendre compte du nombre de fautes que j,ai faites hier soir hahaha.
Je suis contente que tu aimes ta poupe, et ta mere aussi. MA PREMIERE POUPE GARS
Nice pics.