job hunting is like banging my head against a brick wall....
i have applyed to other restaurants, but i would like to work 9 - 5 in an office. however 'you must have experience blahblahblah' how the hell do i get a foot in the door!!
seriously i could cry.
why can i not just get a bit of luck and end up in a great job like so many of my mates.
i have applyed to other restaurants, but i would like to work 9 - 5 in an office. however 'you must have experience blahblahblah' how the hell do i get a foot in the door!!
seriously i could cry.
why can i not just get a bit of luck and end up in a great job like so many of my mates.
I'm so sorry to hear that....I do feel your pain...I wish you luck and I do hope it works out ok...

Just keep trying and you'll get one. You have to spam your resumes until you get a bite.