Well I havent posted anything since Halloween so i thought i must get my bum into gear!
not much has happened in the life of mimi really.
i went to see my dad and got very drunk with him and my step mum, has been the first time i have really spoken to him about anything, especially my sixth sense, think i freaked him out a little lol!
my grandad is back in hospital for the 2nd time this month, 1st time it diddnt look like he was coming home, but we had a miracle once again. and now he is in for fluid on the lungs...oh he likes to be the center of attention! as long as he is home for xmas that is the main thing!
We had another fall out with one of our house mates....she really is arrogent and so insencere its hilarious! yesterday i saw her changing the bin for the first time in 5 months! then she shouted at me because she had to change it! very strange girl. so me and ciara are looking for a new place to live, or trying to get her to admit she is moving out!! This is me and ciara.

i have a new boy =) which is very exciting!!
his name is pete he is 22 and just adorable....only problem is he goes to a different uni which is 2 hours away so i dont get to see him very often....but i will see him this weekend!! very excited as i havent seen him in 2 weeks!

other than that i have been working flat out trying to get 3 essays out of the way so i only have revision over xmas to do! i have one handed in and one started but its a statistics essay so will be struggling with the interpretation =(
nevermind i will get through it and as long as i have SG sets to take my mind off essays I will be happy =)
not much has happened in the life of mimi really.
i went to see my dad and got very drunk with him and my step mum, has been the first time i have really spoken to him about anything, especially my sixth sense, think i freaked him out a little lol!
my grandad is back in hospital for the 2nd time this month, 1st time it diddnt look like he was coming home, but we had a miracle once again. and now he is in for fluid on the lungs...oh he likes to be the center of attention! as long as he is home for xmas that is the main thing!
We had another fall out with one of our house mates....she really is arrogent and so insencere its hilarious! yesterday i saw her changing the bin for the first time in 5 months! then she shouted at me because she had to change it! very strange girl. so me and ciara are looking for a new place to live, or trying to get her to admit she is moving out!! This is me and ciara.

i have a new boy =) which is very exciting!!

other than that i have been working flat out trying to get 3 essays out of the way so i only have revision over xmas to do! i have one handed in and one started but its a statistics essay so will be struggling with the interpretation =(
nevermind i will get through it and as long as i have SG sets to take my mind off essays I will be happy =)
tell me about your sixth sense!