21st Aug 2008:
Well today has been an odd one... Last night I went to sleep after watching Juno feeling really wobbly, and because of a rubbish night sleep I ended up waking up feeling almost as wobbly as when my eyes shut. my reasons for feeling wobbly are due to my awsome new BF...who is so awsome he makes me feel like i'm not good enough for him, he just has this presence to him, fabulous, but as i result i have slipped back into my "oh im not pretty enough, im not slim enough, im not cool enough" crappy state - crap...so i decided today is the day i spend too much money that i dont have to make myself feel better...1st stop hair bleach, and girly things, oh why i bothered i dont know! 2nd stop a little shop i have never been in, and yes *happyness* they have awsome fairy lights that look like lotus' for my student bedroom...then many many shops later i have a new checked shirt, 2 vests, new pair of jeans, and some leopard print pumps! unfortunately because i spent this i need to go cancell my tattoo appointment, which to be honest i dont mind doing as the artist im not too happy with. I have to run back to my car before the traffic parking person gives me a ticket that would be a total kick but *yey* my ticket has run out AND i have got away with it
so all in all my wobblyness is slipping away....until i bleach my hair, only one section, all is going well till i wash it out and OMG im orange ginger...kind of hayley williams of paramore ginger....not the white blonde i was going for! nevermind, mum will have a shock when she sees it but all will be ok!
but now after my 1st blog on SG im off to search the house for crisps or chocolate...anything will do =) cya x
Well today has been an odd one... Last night I went to sleep after watching Juno feeling really wobbly, and because of a rubbish night sleep I ended up waking up feeling almost as wobbly as when my eyes shut. my reasons for feeling wobbly are due to my awsome new BF...who is so awsome he makes me feel like i'm not good enough for him, he just has this presence to him, fabulous, but as i result i have slipped back into my "oh im not pretty enough, im not slim enough, im not cool enough" crappy state - crap...so i decided today is the day i spend too much money that i dont have to make myself feel better...1st stop hair bleach, and girly things, oh why i bothered i dont know! 2nd stop a little shop i have never been in, and yes *happyness* they have awsome fairy lights that look like lotus' for my student bedroom...then many many shops later i have a new checked shirt, 2 vests, new pair of jeans, and some leopard print pumps! unfortunately because i spent this i need to go cancell my tattoo appointment, which to be honest i dont mind doing as the artist im not too happy with. I have to run back to my car before the traffic parking person gives me a ticket that would be a total kick but *yey* my ticket has run out AND i have got away with it

so all in all my wobblyness is slipping away....until i bleach my hair, only one section, all is going well till i wash it out and OMG im orange ginger...kind of hayley williams of paramore ginger....not the white blonde i was going for! nevermind, mum will have a shock when she sees it but all will be ok!
but now after my 1st blog on SG im off to search the house for crisps or chocolate...anything will do =) cya x
You should post a hopefuls set, eh!!!!!