This week has been super busy with work. Still have like 1000 things to do and then I found out yesterday that I have to drive to Indianapolis on Monday to collect some noise measurements for a job that I'll have to turn around real fast. Be a good change of pace, though. That means I definitely have to finish working on my car this weekend. I just got to put on the new grille. Hopefully, it doesn't end up taking all day.
I've been updating my Cardomain page pretty regularly
In other news, I'll be going to see A Fine Frenzy on 3/13 up in Cleveland. It looks like I'll have an extra ticket too. Yeah, It's been that kind of week.
I've been updating my Cardomain page pretty regularly
In other news, I'll be going to see A Fine Frenzy on 3/13 up in Cleveland. It looks like I'll have an extra ticket too. Yeah, It's been that kind of week.
Get a trainer for that road bike!
Enjoy the snow! Hehehe....