A few months ago I started reading this:
I read all the issues up to the last one in late July 2010.
Then I watched this:
It was then that I finally understood the TRUE meaning of the word EPIC.
Then, a few days ago a colleague from work sent me a text message about this:
I couldn't believe my eyes. It took me a week to finally find the courage/time to sit down in front of my PS3 and download the Demo. All I can say is that it brought back some good memories from good games like Double Dragon and the likes.
On another note. There's a really good reason why I try to avoid setting foot inside a Chapters store. (Book store). I ALWAYS end up buying a minimum of two books whenever I visit. My last encounter with that time warp of a store was last week. I had time to kill before meeting up with a friend and decided I'd just stroll in and "browse" through their newest selections. My brain tends to forget the meaning of browsing when entering that store. Seeing as I'd recently caught on the Kindle Books bug and was suffering from a mild neck ache due to extended periods of time looking down at my cellphone reading the free eBooks from the Amazon website, I set my self on a mission to find the paper versions of said authors.
My first target was the following:
I'd recently got hooked on Doyle's Sherlock Holmes adventures so I thought to my self this would be the natural continuation of such good intrigue and adventure. Seeing as I'm not too familiar with the time period in which Doyle writes, it is taking me a little longer to get into the right mood/mindset to read this book.
My second target was:
I have been a long time fan/player of the Forgotten Realms fantasy world and even more of Greenwood's writing. I was surprised when I opened the book to find that it was in fact a combination of books including: Elminster - The Making of a Mage, Elminster in Myth Drannor and The Temptation of Elminster
Last but not the least, I've just rediscovered Soundcloud. The perfect site for me to clamp my headphones on and solve the series of electric circuits that is my homework.

I read all the issues up to the last one in late July 2010.
Then I watched this:

It was then that I finally understood the TRUE meaning of the word EPIC.
Then, a few days ago a colleague from work sent me a text message about this:

I couldn't believe my eyes. It took me a week to finally find the courage/time to sit down in front of my PS3 and download the Demo. All I can say is that it brought back some good memories from good games like Double Dragon and the likes.
On another note. There's a really good reason why I try to avoid setting foot inside a Chapters store. (Book store). I ALWAYS end up buying a minimum of two books whenever I visit. My last encounter with that time warp of a store was last week. I had time to kill before meeting up with a friend and decided I'd just stroll in and "browse" through their newest selections. My brain tends to forget the meaning of browsing when entering that store. Seeing as I'd recently caught on the Kindle Books bug and was suffering from a mild neck ache due to extended periods of time looking down at my cellphone reading the free eBooks from the Amazon website, I set my self on a mission to find the paper versions of said authors.
My first target was the following:

I'd recently got hooked on Doyle's Sherlock Holmes adventures so I thought to my self this would be the natural continuation of such good intrigue and adventure. Seeing as I'm not too familiar with the time period in which Doyle writes, it is taking me a little longer to get into the right mood/mindset to read this book.
My second target was:

I have been a long time fan/player of the Forgotten Realms fantasy world and even more of Greenwood's writing. I was surprised when I opened the book to find that it was in fact a combination of books including: Elminster - The Making of a Mage, Elminster in Myth Drannor and The Temptation of Elminster
Last but not the least, I've just rediscovered Soundcloud. The perfect site for me to clamp my headphones on and solve the series of electric circuits that is my homework.
Haven't made it to your hood yet, soon my friend, soon. xo
MINE!! Can't I just inscribe ..MINE!!