I finally received my Nikon remote control in the mail. 2 months later. Always accept the extra $1 tracking fee when ordering from DealExtreme.
I have a 36 shot roll of 3200 Ilford Delta film in my camera. I've already taken 3 shots. What should I do with the remaining 33? Any suggestions? I could stick with the regular night time shots and get it all grainy and shit or try to find some high speed situation and capture the moment. I've got an "old school" Tamron 24-70 lens on an F80 body.
Which reminds me...I have to go pick up my tripod at my friend's place.
Me likes this song+video+diva.
And another one.
I have a 36 shot roll of 3200 Ilford Delta film in my camera. I've already taken 3 shots. What should I do with the remaining 33? Any suggestions? I could stick with the regular night time shots and get it all grainy and shit or try to find some high speed situation and capture the moment. I've got an "old school" Tamron 24-70 lens on an F80 body.
Which reminds me...I have to go pick up my tripod at my friend's place.
Me likes this song+video+diva.
And another one.
Man, I had ordered a Sony remote for My camera and that shit didnt work at all, wtf?! Lol It could be that Im just a dunce and cant figure out how to use it =P
SEX..all I require from you my dear is SEX!! Well to be honest I kinda want to hold your hand too!