Hello to all who read my blog. It's been a while since I last posted. Since last year! Crazy I know!
A few things have happened since then. First of all I won this at work:

It was the grand prize for a little contest where the bosses kept track of your attendance and performance (which is always the case) over a select period of time. The grand draw was done on December 21st, right at the winter solstice. There were three prizes and 5 contestants. The other two prizes were basic gift certificates to go shop at the company stores. I'd been planning on buying my self a PS3 for a while now so it came as a big surprise that my "wish" was granted. Included with the console were two games: Uncharted 2 and NHL 2K11. I used to play the old NHL titles back on the Genesis console but never really continued on the later consoles. I had played Uncharted before but never really finished it. To my big surprise a second controller was also in the package and with this controller came another game. The God of War Collection. This includes the first God of War game from the PS2 remade for PS3 and God of War 2. I've been playing God of War and am enjoying it.
But, the main reason I wanted to get a PS3 was to play Grand Turismo 5. Ever since I'd played Grand Turismo 3 on the PS2 I was officially hooked. What really got me were the rally races. The day after I got the console I was a proud owner of a copy of Grand Turismo 5. It's hard not to stop playing that game. Needless to say, I spent the better part of the holidays playing.
The holidays were uneventful this year. Most of my friends and family were away either on work or vacation. It wasn't depressing or anything. It just went by like another two weeks of the year. Less stressful. The crossover to 2011 was done with a simple Happy New year to my dad and then I was in bed. I was working the next day. Damn you US stores for being open!
Other than playing games and generally slacking around in front of the TV, I've discovered a Brit TV drama called: Misfits
Some of the cast:

Makes me want to move to the UK.
I stumbled on the first season episodes when I was looking for music from The Misfits. Seeing as I have a soft spot for Brit TV it was only a matter a time before I got hooked. I'm done watching season two and can't wait for Season three to come out.
While watching this show, which contains some interesting and cool camera shots/angles, I was subjected to a generous amount of ear candy. Through it I was reintroduced to The Chemical Brothers and their new album. There is one song in particular that gets me going:
The scene in which this song is used in the show works perfectly.
Another group/band I found was The Rapture. One of their songs is used as the intro to the show:
When I was done watching season two of the Misfits I managed to finish watching season two of Breaking Bad. This is another show I'm hooked on right now. Bryan Cranston is an awesome actor and so is the rest of the cast. I'll admit it made me like Chemistry a little more.
All this slacking around watching TV series and going to work was just a filler for school. I hadn't been able to register for classes since Summer of 2010 seeing as I hadn't finished paying off my fees for the Winter 2010 semester. Having done so two weeks before the new year, I managed to clear things with the Registrars office and am registered for one class this Winter semester. Seeing as I'm still working full time and that I want to pass this class with at least an A, I won't have much of a social life for the next 15 weeks. During this time not much spending will be done on my behalf for I will be setting money aside for the Summer semester where I plan on taking a full course load and still working at the same time.
Many new and exciting things happening in 2011. Hopefully you'll be posted on the regular.
A few things have happened since then. First of all I won this at work:

It was the grand prize for a little contest where the bosses kept track of your attendance and performance (which is always the case) over a select period of time. The grand draw was done on December 21st, right at the winter solstice. There were three prizes and 5 contestants. The other two prizes were basic gift certificates to go shop at the company stores. I'd been planning on buying my self a PS3 for a while now so it came as a big surprise that my "wish" was granted. Included with the console were two games: Uncharted 2 and NHL 2K11. I used to play the old NHL titles back on the Genesis console but never really continued on the later consoles. I had played Uncharted before but never really finished it. To my big surprise a second controller was also in the package and with this controller came another game. The God of War Collection. This includes the first God of War game from the PS2 remade for PS3 and God of War 2. I've been playing God of War and am enjoying it.
But, the main reason I wanted to get a PS3 was to play Grand Turismo 5. Ever since I'd played Grand Turismo 3 on the PS2 I was officially hooked. What really got me were the rally races. The day after I got the console I was a proud owner of a copy of Grand Turismo 5. It's hard not to stop playing that game. Needless to say, I spent the better part of the holidays playing.
The holidays were uneventful this year. Most of my friends and family were away either on work or vacation. It wasn't depressing or anything. It just went by like another two weeks of the year. Less stressful. The crossover to 2011 was done with a simple Happy New year to my dad and then I was in bed. I was working the next day. Damn you US stores for being open!
Other than playing games and generally slacking around in front of the TV, I've discovered a Brit TV drama called: Misfits
Some of the cast:

Makes me want to move to the UK.
I stumbled on the first season episodes when I was looking for music from The Misfits. Seeing as I have a soft spot for Brit TV it was only a matter a time before I got hooked. I'm done watching season two and can't wait for Season three to come out.
While watching this show, which contains some interesting and cool camera shots/angles, I was subjected to a generous amount of ear candy. Through it I was reintroduced to The Chemical Brothers and their new album. There is one song in particular that gets me going:
The scene in which this song is used in the show works perfectly.
Another group/band I found was The Rapture. One of their songs is used as the intro to the show:
When I was done watching season two of the Misfits I managed to finish watching season two of Breaking Bad. This is another show I'm hooked on right now. Bryan Cranston is an awesome actor and so is the rest of the cast. I'll admit it made me like Chemistry a little more.
All this slacking around watching TV series and going to work was just a filler for school. I hadn't been able to register for classes since Summer of 2010 seeing as I hadn't finished paying off my fees for the Winter 2010 semester. Having done so two weeks before the new year, I managed to clear things with the Registrars office and am registered for one class this Winter semester. Seeing as I'm still working full time and that I want to pass this class with at least an A, I won't have much of a social life for the next 15 weeks. During this time not much spending will be done on my behalf for I will be setting money aside for the Summer semester where I plan on taking a full course load and still working at the same time.
Many new and exciting things happening in 2011. Hopefully you'll be posted on the regular.
Yah to you for winning that ..Tourismo is always a good time!!
No social life for you is OK for me,..That means you are busy saving yourself for ME!!