Excellent meeting today with some members of the Afghanistan Pashai shura--a kind of Afghan standing assembly. They represent a relatively small ethnic group that is spread across five main areas in the North East (Kapisa, Laghman, Kunar, Nuristan, and Jalabad). They are an interesting group that split from the Nuristani when they converted to Islam. The Nuristani remained kafir until they were forced to become Muslims about 100 years ago. They are closely related to the Safi Pashtuns and maybe also the Parachi. A related group, the Olesh in Pakistan, remains kafir. Figuring this place out really is like playing three dimensional chess.
More Blogs
Monday Jan 17, 2011
Returned a couple days back from Beirut. It seems like a nice city. … -
Sunday Jan 02, 2011
One week and I am off to Lebanon. Should be in the south in Hezbolla… -
Wednesday Nov 17, 2010
Saw today the Army's official history of the Wanat disaster--nine kil… -
Friday Nov 12, 2010
Strange, or maybe only undeservedly surprising, how brief coincident… -
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
One of the few benefits of Kuwait is that the USO shows always make i… -
Tuesday Oct 19, 2010
So, the exercise is over. Finally. Interesting at some levels. Qui… -
Sunday Oct 17, 2010
Part of a big HQ exercise here. There is nothing more obsequious tha… -
Monday Oct 11, 2010
Back again...no longer in Afghanistan, though I wish I were. Working… -
Wednesday Feb 04, 2009
Past my bedtime...make it quick. For some reason today I suddenly … -
Sunday Feb 01, 2009
I was never a real believer. Even as a child religion never had muc…