it's a heart, beating.
still the body folded into a blue corner. pressing a toe against the floor. the point of contact: is this for real?
inkdots starring into creases of skin. listen: they crackle as they spread.
the ceiling is above and the floor is below and the walls are four sides of boundary. so there: it's a space. what will you fill it with?
two minutes and twenty thousand miles.
a fragrance of pears.
the nape of my neck.
the point of contact: a palimpsest.
it's a heart, beating.
still the body folded into a blue corner. pressing a toe against the floor. the point of contact: is this for real?
inkdots starring into creases of skin. listen: they crackle as they spread.
the ceiling is above and the floor is below and the walls are four sides of boundary. so there: it's a space. what will you fill it with?
two minutes and twenty thousand miles.
a fragrance of pears.
the nape of my neck.
the point of contact: a palimpsest.
it's a heart, beating.

As you probably already know, anyone who uses "palimpsest" in a sentence or outside of one is going to have my crush allegiance.

Thanks for the comment you left on "overly generous?" They have an appartment and will be moving out on Monday +o)