First night home from surgery. Going to miss the hospital with my awesome button that made the pain go away, but they gave me a bottle of awesomeness to help in my recovery. Next few weeks will be crazy dull. VICE videos are always so great
I know I say I need to get better at blogging every time I blog, but this time I'm serious! Lol work is improving greatly finally starting to get the staffing we needed and it looks like I'll be getting a promotion next month which mean more work, but it's not going to be too bad. Still trying to get out of my comfort zone...
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Oh Aetna, you're a piece of shit insurance provider and I'm getting tired of your shit. Hatefully your's, Jon.
I am horrible when it comes to sweet tea and pop. Such a bad habit of mine.
I'd like to thank HBO and the History channel, between Game of Thrones and Vikings how can you not be pumped to start the new week. I suck about updating my blog, I need to get better about that.
thanks darlin<3
Give Fringe_ some love her sets are pretty awesome
Change is good but my options are limited! I agree, though, I definitely could use some switching-up in my life.
Thanks for the words, hope you have a good'n.
Thanks for the words, hope you have a good'n.

I'm almost always aggressive, so no worries there. Lol
Survived my first Lit Crawl last night, and it was awesome. Got to see Mark Z Danielowski and got him to sign my copy of Fifty Year sword, sucks I couldn't find my copy of House of Leaves.
I'm slow at updating this. Not much has changed still trying to break out of my comfortzone and meet new people around the city. I love working downtown and taking the metrorail but I wish I lived closer. Been trying to think of a better username out of boredom but I end up not being satisfied with anything I think up. I'll do a better...
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Whoa it's been a real long time since I blogged. Austin has been pretty awesome so far. While I miss having an established friend base, meeting new people and exploring what the city has to offer has been exciting. This week will be filled with german speak, Buddy Guy and Jonny Lang, and disk golf. More to come soon. Also give Fringe_ some love by...
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thank you =) I really don't feel like i am anything special... i don't think i am not pretty or anything..
First bday in Austin, I love this city but I wish I was in Lexington with friends cheering on UK against Baylor today. Okay self pity over
Ok, so whats the deal with the UK and Baylor today? Anyone who cheers on my hometurf, has my approval. Lets be friends 

thanks for the comment on my set =D
The wind has been howling all day long, but it's better than snow! I fly back to TN next Thursday to pack the last few things and begin the official move to Austin. I wish I had more to talk about, but between my online work and job hunting for something more permanent in Austin I haven't had much time to do anything. I haven't...
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I am freaking about moving =/