For you guys that dont already know.. Im a big Hairless cat lover
and browsing around on the interent a week ago.. I found a rescue group in a city a little north of where I live that someone had dumped a 4month old Cornish Rex... I immediatly called them and said PLEASE PLEASE let me come see him!!
So long story short.. I drove up there and adopted him! Hes fucking amazing... He's not completely hairless like a sphynx... A rex has like peachfuzz fur.. OOH sooo snuggley and oooh soo adorable!! I couldnt believe someone actually dumped him... especially considering the cost for one of those cats!!! wowwwwza! He's the cutest thing ive ever seen!!!
SMOOCHES xoxoxoxoxox
For you guys that dont already know.. Im a big Hairless cat lover
So long story short.. I drove up there and adopted him! Hes fucking amazing... He's not completely hairless like a sphynx... A rex has like peachfuzz fur.. OOH sooo snuggley and oooh soo adorable!! I couldnt believe someone actually dumped him... especially considering the cost for one of those cats!!! wowwwwza! He's the cutest thing ive ever seen!!!
SMOOCHES xoxoxoxoxox
AWWWWWW....congrats on your new beautiful,cuddly friend
That is such a cute cat! I love the big ears!