well my weekend went pretty well....
friday after work i went home and got some stuff for the weekend and drove up to Cocoa Beach to hang with Explodingboy1 and family. i stopped to have dinner with lexanity but only after i got lost driving around Melbourne. by the time i got done with dinner and over to Dave and Ape's place Dave and company was pretty well three sheets to the wind. made for an interesting evening.
saturday was spent mostly sitting around watching movies and working on my crocheting. i'm hoping to have Bubblebird's blanket done before Valentine's Day.
sunday i went with Dave and family to some of their friend's house for a Pre-Superbowl party. basically we hung out and played rockband. Ape and April (yes there were two April's there) made foodz. it was awesome but definitely on the spicy side...let's just say my tummy was hating me this morning.
in other news....
i applied for my passport today!!!
it only took about 5 minutes and everything went smoothly. i'm getting more and more accited each day (only 41 days left!!!) this will be my first time out of the country so it should be interesting. but atleast i'll have Bubblebird there as my tour guide. Supposedly her and DeltaEcho have lots of fun stuff planned for me but won't tell me (surprises!!) I do know that we are gonna go visit some haunted places in Dublin which is like a dream come troo!!!
that's all for now.... bai luvs!!! <3
p.s... <3 u bird
friday after work i went home and got some stuff for the weekend and drove up to Cocoa Beach to hang with Explodingboy1 and family. i stopped to have dinner with lexanity but only after i got lost driving around Melbourne. by the time i got done with dinner and over to Dave and Ape's place Dave and company was pretty well three sheets to the wind. made for an interesting evening.
saturday was spent mostly sitting around watching movies and working on my crocheting. i'm hoping to have Bubblebird's blanket done before Valentine's Day.
sunday i went with Dave and family to some of their friend's house for a Pre-Superbowl party. basically we hung out and played rockband. Ape and April (yes there were two April's there) made foodz. it was awesome but definitely on the spicy side...let's just say my tummy was hating me this morning.
in other news....
i applied for my passport today!!!

that's all for now.... bai luvs!!! <3
p.s... <3 u bird

That is all