Today kinda sucked....
First as I was leaving to go to work I busted my ass walking down the step in front of my house. Of course i was in heels and lost my footing. I slide down three steps and my left bent back underneath me. I sat in pain for about 5 minutes in front of my house until the pain seemed to subside. Luckily I didn't break anything but throughout the day the pain got worse... Now it really hurts and when I got home and tried to walk up the steps (same ones i fell down this morning) and put pressure on my left leg I got a jolt of pain which damn near sent me to tears. No bueno.
Also there's a bunch of work related stuff going on that made me want to pull my hair out. I'd go into detail about it but I'd basically be here all night describing what I do for anyone to in the least bit understand what I'm bitching about. So instead of that I'll just say I hate the state of Indiana...they suck (with the exception of xmelaniex ) and so do their tax forms
On a positive note I leave for NYC in 8 days.
I went shopping all weekend and bought winter clothes because I'mma freeze my ass off but for some reason I think it will all be worth it.
and now for teh cutenes....

First as I was leaving to go to work I busted my ass walking down the step in front of my house. Of course i was in heels and lost my footing. I slide down three steps and my left bent back underneath me. I sat in pain for about 5 minutes in front of my house until the pain seemed to subside. Luckily I didn't break anything but throughout the day the pain got worse... Now it really hurts and when I got home and tried to walk up the steps (same ones i fell down this morning) and put pressure on my left leg I got a jolt of pain which damn near sent me to tears. No bueno.

Also there's a bunch of work related stuff going on that made me want to pull my hair out. I'd go into detail about it but I'd basically be here all night describing what I do for anyone to in the least bit understand what I'm bitching about. So instead of that I'll just say I hate the state of Indiana...they suck (with the exception of xmelaniex ) and so do their tax forms

On a positive note I leave for NYC in 8 days.

and now for teh cutenes....

that is why melly needs to move here. and i would kiss your leg better for you (heh heh) hope you feel better