i hate waking up early in the morning...
i hit my snooze alarm every 9 minutes for about an hour and a half before i actually drag my ass out of bed...
i'm too lazy to get up and get ready for work yet while half asleep i can mathematically equate just how many more times i can hit the snooze before i have to "wake up" so i have enough time to smoke a cig, check myspace and SG, get ready and leave...
...i'm absurd
i hit my snooze alarm every 9 minutes for about an hour and a half before i actually drag my ass out of bed...
i'm too lazy to get up and get ready for work yet while half asleep i can mathematically equate just how many more times i can hit the snooze before i have to "wake up" so i have enough time to smoke a cig, check myspace and SG, get ready and leave...
...i'm absurd

I do the "hit the snooze until you suddenly realize what time it is then jump out of bed in a panic" routine.
that's the best way to do it. i do that when i hafta get up before 8.... 930...