OMG!! It's time for an update....Looks like it's a Tuesday update not a Monday update. Things have been good just busy....Today is Grayscale 's Birthday!!! Yay
We have had a weekend of celebrating
Saturday night we went w. friends to dinner and then on to 2 strip clubs! All I have to say is.....damn those Wisconsin strippers sure know their pole tricks...I was impressed! Not only do they know their pole tricks.....they touch too
I think this chick wanted to rape me!
Sunday we went to see Madagascar!!! It was great
even though I wanted to kill the 2 rejects sitting next to me that wouldn't stop talking!!! grrr
Monday Emma and I took Gray to our favorite Italian was sooo damn good! We also went for ice cream at Cold Stone. After that we did some shopping and then went to the pool to get some sun
All in all it was a great time and Happy Birthday to my man!!! xoxo
Peace out kidz

Sunday we went to see Madagascar!!! It was great

Monday Emma and I took Gray to our favorite Italian was sooo damn good! We also went for ice cream at Cold Stone. After that we did some shopping and then went to the pool to get some sun

All in all it was a great time and Happy Birthday to my man!!! xoxo

Peace out kidz

I need to get up to Wisconsin to see how these girls can work a pole...
I haven't caught Madagascar yet, but being an animation nut, it's definitely on my list...
if i wasn't addicted to the ink, i'd prolly be there every night.