Happy Friday People!!!
I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend....just Gray, Emma, and me
We are going to dinner tonight
yay I don't have to cook!!! and we are watching some Dvd's. I am sure some alcohol may be involved as well
I hope all of you have a great weekend as well!
I am getting good at these freakin' edits....I just forget what I wanna say in my journal so....
I havent ever mentioned this before.....but I have psoriasis, Im sure most of you know what this is...but for those that dont it's an anoying skin condition
it's dry scaley patches that can go all over your body...its really sux but I am one of the lucky ones that only has it in a few places and it can easily be hidden....but I have had it spread all over my body
and it isnt fun at all its like chicken pox times 50! To keep it in check I go to the tanning bed. Its cheaper than UV treatments at the Dr's. So the other day I went....I usually go like once a week for about 20 min's. Well Tues I decided to just go for 10 min's having a cold and all.....well when I got home my ass felt like it was on fire and had lines where the bulbs were!!!
I called the bitches up to let them know their bed is fucked and they said that they had just changed the bulbs! I said,'' well way to let people know''!
They said they had a sign up in the room on a post it note!!! WTF a post it note? Who is gonna see that in a good sized room w. posters all over the wall??? amd they were like...oops sorry honey....I wish I quick to think of something to say like.....well you better get your ass over here a rub some aloe gel on my back side B-atch....anway... there is my rant for the week....
ok Im gonna try and put a pic up....we'll see if it works

I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend....just Gray, Emma, and me

I hope all of you have a great weekend as well!

I am getting good at these freakin' edits....I just forget what I wanna say in my journal so....

I havent ever mentioned this before.....but I have psoriasis, Im sure most of you know what this is...but for those that dont it's an anoying skin condition

They said they had a sign up in the room on a post it note!!! WTF a post it note? Who is gonna see that in a good sized room w. posters all over the wall??? amd they were like...oops sorry honey....I wish I quick to think of something to say like.....well you better get your ass over here a rub some aloe gel on my back side B-atch....anway... there is my rant for the week....

ok Im gonna try and put a pic up....we'll see if it works
psst thanks for the nice words