So.....I guess I should update....I have been slackin' on my SG member duties
I think I am going crazy. I need a job like now bitches!.....
I dont know if I could be a stay at home mom forever
I wish I could ...but....I need to get out of the the house! I realized this as I was folding the clothes and the socks started talking to me:p ....and yes I have drugs for this problem too
I have a lead on a job as an office manager for a real estate company here in Mad town....but I don't even interview till next week so I think I am gonna start looking now and maybe something better would come along....I may need something more creative but we will see.
Anyway.....I am trying to get ideas for next trial set so anyone w. any bad AZZ ideas hit me up
....OH and I am getting a new TATOO on Saturday afternoon! Im stoked!
That's all for now

I think I am going crazy. I need a job like now bitches!.....
I dont know if I could be a stay at home mom forever

I have a lead on a job as an office manager for a real estate company here in Mad town....but I don't even interview till next week so I think I am gonna start looking now and maybe something better would come along....I may need something more creative but we will see.
Anyway.....I am trying to get ideas for next trial set so anyone w. any bad AZZ ideas hit me up

That's all for now

You are the cutest mom ever.

What did the socks say when they were talking to you?