Ok folks, I need some help. I am trying to figure out fun stuff to get for my lil boy for christmas, that he can use while he is immobile. I already have thought about colored markers and fun lil activity books...but after that I am kinna lost. I wanna try to keep him busy, and I don't want him to look back on it...
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I dig your cemetery photos. I'm currently working on a book of cemetery photos, amongst other things. I'm mostly using my collection from cemeteries in and around London such as Highgate and Brompton. Have you been able to get over there at all? skull
I found out today that my son needs to have surgery. Im bummed. He will be in casts for 6 weeks and will have to use a wheelchair. It is scary, but I guess it will be better for him in the long run. *sigh*
I don't know how I am sposed to keep a 3 year old from walkin around. He is such an...
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It has been fricken cold this weekend. One of the things that sucks about living in the valley is that it will get super cold, but it wont snow. And that, my friends, makes me angry. If it's gonna be super cold, I should at least get something out of it. Mother nature is a cruel bitch.
I got a lot of my christmas shopping...
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Ok, Im gonna try this journal thing. What is going on with me right now-
I need a job. I will hopefully be going to school this winter, I wanna be a funeral director. But until then, I need to hone my skills.
So I applied at the funeral chapel here in town. I know all the people that work there, so I am very...
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