Hey everyone!
Sorry it has been so damn long...but my life has been insanely busy as of late.
I am headed to San Francisco late tonight...We are attending a tattoo convention. I am super excited. I have never been to San Fran..but Im sure I will have a great time
Riddick is doing great...He got his tall casts taken off yesterday...and his feet do look a lot straighter. They replaced the tall casts with "walking casts" (below the knee) He gets the walking casts removed April 6. *yay*
Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure. (And Miel...I still havent forgotten you, and I feel like such a bitch. I need your addy one more time)
Sorry it has been so damn long...but my life has been insanely busy as of late.
I am headed to San Francisco late tonight...We are attending a tattoo convention. I am super excited. I have never been to San Fran..but Im sure I will have a great time

Riddick is doing great...He got his tall casts taken off yesterday...and his feet do look a lot straighter. They replaced the tall casts with "walking casts" (below the knee) He gets the walking casts removed April 6. *yay*
Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure. (And Miel...I still havent forgotten you, and I feel like such a bitch. I need your addy one more time)

That means I like the photos... and that I am overly enthusiastic
I've been internetless for about 2 weeks...
I have to confess that I missed a bit my interrnet friends! And it's good to read that nice things happened to them! As the weekend is almost over, I bet you'll be back soon from SF... I hope you had an even greater time than expected!