Hi there everyone and @rambo, @lyxzen and @missy!
I hope you are all fabulous on this Tuesday :) I feel quite cheerful considering the weekend was so short but then again, it ALWAYS is.
I haven't been up to much recently but I did make some awesome carrot cake today! Hmmm it is so nice... I'm eating it now with a cuppa coffee :D I've been doing a bit of drawing on a potential thigh tattoo which I will share once it's finished.
I have been racking my brain for days trying to think of my own personal blog homework and as the title suggests it's 'Tune In Tuesday'!
In this blog I will be just sharing videos of the songs that I have been listening to repeatedly for the past two weeks. When I say repeatedly I mean... Walk to work... Bam same songs... At work... Bam same songs.... Walk home.... Bam same songs.... I think I might have a serious problem here hahaha xD
Anyway get your sweet asses ready for a mixture of awesome and old school songs :D
Hahahaha I had to add the White Chicks version :D
Okay I think I'm finished. I am so sorry for the amount of videos I have but I just had to share this awesome music with everyone!
Thank you so so much for taking the time to look through the videos :D
See ya