Welcome back to my blog everyone including the fabulous @missy, @rambo and @lyxzen.
I hope everyone had a good weekend! We had a bank holiday weekend over here in the UK so three day weekend... Boo ya!
The past couple of days has been pretty good, the weather has been sort of nice and looking to get warmer as well 😄 I can't wait to try and get another tan this year even though it never works 😂 I just buuuuurn hehe.
Well as the blog title says I am writing about what type of superpowers I would have and why! Theses are my top 4 powers I would have in a heartbeat!
Ability To Stop Time
Back when I was a wee lass before the responsibility of bills and a job. I use to watch a great program called Bernard's Watch on CBBC after school. A young boy finds a magical pocket watch which can stop time! As a child the only thing I wanted was to stumble across this watch just like Barnard did! Who doesn't wanna stop time? That's fucking awesome! I would be so rich, I would steal from people at cash points. They would look down at an empty hand that was just full of cash, being like "What The....?" while I'm hidden somewhere grinning and saying 'Excellent' like Mr Burns 😂
Ability To Jump Great Distances
This power is pretty much the same as the Hulk jump, just without that much distruction when landing. If I couldn't jump that far then I could use it to my advantage like if I see my train or bus coming, jump to that shit. I see someone trya splash me with a puddle, jump outta the way! I see someone I don't wanna see, jump outta the way.
Ability to 'Jump'
If you have seen the movie Jumper then you will completely get what I'm saying! That guy is awesome, I would totally rob a bank too and go on holiday! I just don't want no one to hunt me down at the end of the day 😰 My life would be so easy if I could do that, getting to work will be hella easy! I would turn into an ultimate couch potato if I had this ability!!! Love it!
Last of all (and I think most people can agree with me on this one)
Power Of Flight
Flying has always been a recurring dream for me. When I was little it started out with trying to do back flips which failed which slowly progressed into taking off then head butting the ground... A while passed before I could jump, fly a short way before crashing to the ground once more. I'm slowly Getting the hang of it but whenever I do get to fly, even for a short amount of time... It's so... Exciting... Yet.. So.... Peaceful.
To have the ability to sore in the open blue sky, all the way up to the atmosphere and see how the world looks for yourself
To fly into the most hidden caves and forests. To explore places that can't be explored by any other means.
I would go everywhere and anywhere! I'm always a bit envious of birds and their ability ~gives birds the evil eye~
This is it for me this evening folks, I think I've been thinking and writing this blog for about and hour and a half hehe.
I hope you have enjoyed reading through this just as much as I have enjoyed writing it 🤗
Have a great day my lovelies
See Ya