Evening everyone! @missy, @lyxzen, @rambo how are you three lovely ladies doing?
I hope everyone else is doing fabulously 😀
Welcome to another blog homework of mine, tonight I'm doing my favourite recipes so get ready for 3 (hopefully) mouth watering recipes 😉
First off is a recipe I came up with at my first job about 5 years ago. Every Monday we had to made 3 soups and this was always my fave ❤️
Honey Roasted Sweet Potato and Leek Soup
Time - 30 to 45 mins. Lasts - 2 to 3 days in an air tight container.
• 2 - 3 Large Leeks
• 2 - 4 Sweet Potatoes (depending on size)
• Double or Single Cream (as much as desired)
• Runny Honey
• Small amount of butter
• Salt and Pepper
• Oil
1) Preheat the oven to 200 Degrees, 390 Fahrenheit.
2) Slice off the root and top part of the leek, quarter and slice finely (it will help blend it later). Thoroughly wash the leek because dirt and soil get wedged between the many layers. (Nobody likes sand in their food)
3) Peel the sweet potatoes before cutting into quarters or smaller and thinly slicing. Once it's sliced place the potato on a baking tray, sprinkle with oil and lightly season. Put that baby in the oven 😉
4) While the potato is baking you want to sweat (gently fry) the leeks in a bit of oil and that knob of butter, they will reduce in size slightly while get nice and buttery.
5) Keep checking the sweet potato, once it's quite soft you're going to want to put some honey on them bad boys. Give them a mix up and whack them back into the oven until they can be cut easily with a spoon.
6) Once it's cooked, place all those buttery leeks and honey baked sweet potato, oil and all into a deep bowl to be blended with an electric blender. I like to mush it together a little bit then slowly add the double cream. If it gets to thick then simply add some water to thin it out. Season to taste.
This is my favourite winter soup, the buttery leek, honey and sweet potato are a perfect combination in my eyes
~Homer Simpson drool~
I work in a nursery which has a child who has a bad milk intolerance, I felt bad at the fact he couldn't have the same dessert as everyone else. I mean like what kid wants fruit when everyone else around them is eating brownie? I stumbled across this great recipe which is very quick whip up, you have to try it. It's sssoooo moist for something with no dairy ~another Homer Simpson's drool~
Vegan Brownie
Time - 30 to 40 mins (depending on oven)
Ingredients: (UK grams)
• 250g Plain Flour
• 100g Brown or White Sugar
• 65g Cocoa Powder
• 1 teaspoon Baking Powder
• 1 teaspoon Salt
• 250ml Water
• 250ml Oil
• Vanilla Essence (any other if you prefer)
1) Preheat your oven to 180 degrees, Gas Mark 4, 350 Fahrenheit.
2) Combine all your dry ingredients, I like to whisk this together to make sure it's thoroughly mixed.
3) Combine all the liquids into the dry ingredients, slowly whisking to incorporate everything.
4) Line a cake tin with baking paper and pour the mixture in and bake for 25 - 30 mins.
5) Once it's no longer shiny, poke it with a stick 😂 If it comes out clear it's done. ENJOY!!
This is an amazing and sexy brownie, it's lasts longer then normal brownie because of the lack of dairy. You could fool anyone into thinking it was packed full of butter and chocolate.
But shhhhhh it's our little secret 😉
This is my last and most recent favourite recipe.
It all started when I got asked to make shortbread, I jumped at the chance to give it ago since I had never baked it before. First attempt was a complete and utter disaster, followed by the second, third and fourth time as well!
I was so upset about how something so simple was getting the best of me. I decided enough was enough and turned to the God of baking, with his white/grey/brown hair and his icy blue eyes, he could be my only saviour - Paul Hollywood.
His recipe for shortbread was the one to bring a shining bright white light to my month of torture! I tried 4 others which all fell through. I'm going to share this God sent shortbread with all of you amazing people!
Time - 1 hour
• 225g Softened Unsalted Butter
• 110g Caster Sugar
• 225g Plain Flour
• 110g Cornflour
Pinch of salt
1)Place the butter and sugar into a large bowl and cream together. With a hand whisk it will take about 5ish minutes, electric hand whisk will be quicker. You want the butter to pale and fluffy.
2) Sift the cornflour, salt and flour into the same bowl and mix together by hand until smoothly combined.
3) Tip the mixture out onto a floured surface and knead to a soft dough.
4) Roll the mixture out between two sheets of baking paper until the thickness of 1cm then cut out with a cookie cutter or any other type of cutter (or do what I did and stuff ihe mixture straight into a cake tin to get one giant shortbread) Place onto baking trays and poke holes into the surface a little with a fork before chilling for 30 mins. (This makes the butter hard again which helps it be crumbly and buttery ~drool~)
5) Preheat your oven to 170 degrees, 330 Fahrenheit.
6) Once the shortbread has cooled, whack it straight into the oven and wait for heavenly goodness! Which will take about 20 mins or until the edges just start turning golden brown.
Leave to firm up on the baking tray or just dive straight in!
It's so crumbly and buttery ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love this so much! Thank you so much Paul Hollywood ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ My saviour!!!!
Thank you for taking the time out to read through my favourite recipes so far. I beg of you please try the brownie and shortbread, you will not be disappointed. I GUARANTEE IT!!!!!!!!
That's it for me tonight so sleep well my beauties and sleep well