Evening everyone!
@missy @rambo @lyxzen
I'd like to introduce myself - I'm Meg, it's a pleasure to meet you all.
Firstly I want to thank @frankiejay for introducing me to this fantastic site and all you wonderful people.
Here are a few things about myself -
I've been working as a chef for the past 5 years now and I love it so much. (Some of my pictures will be food related :D)
My favorite colour is blue (who doesn't like blue?)
I don't have any tattoos at the moment but I do wish to change that very soon (watch this space)
I absolutely love playing video games and currently own an Xbox one! (FarCry Primal, Destiny, GTA 5, Batman, many... many... more)
I started doing the Race For Life 5k last year and hope to continue this year, trying to reach that 10k goal!
Thanks for taking the time to read my first blog on this site, I look forward to writing and posting many more blogs and pictures.
Don't forget to add me in Instagram @psychotic_angelsgh
See ya
:D xXx