At the suggestion of Oxy I'm reposting this.
I'll probably have a few of these blogs since there is a lot to write about in the area of gaming. But I'm going to start this one by telling you my top 3 games, and why they are my favorite.
Let me start off by saying this though:
My xbox live GT is M3G1ZZLE4IZZLE. This is the only tag I use to play online. I do have a ps3 and very few computer games, but I am and always have been an xbox fangirl. I play a pretty wide variety of games on there, so please feel free to add me on xbl if you want.
Onto games!
If you're at all familiar with the tattoos I do have, you'll know why this game is my first favorite.
Assassin's Creed
I will say that the entire series is not my favorite, because the first one fails in comparison to 2. If you play through 1 and then wait like....3 months and play 2 you'll understand what I'm saying. The general jist of the game is you play as a man named Desmond Miles. A regular bartender motherfucker who is suddenly called to be a part of this...experiment? They find that your DNA is a match for that of an Assassin who lived a long time ago. They load you into this thing called the animus, blah blah blah. You play initially as Altair, and the first game is pretty repetitive. Find the Assassins lair, find a person to assassinate, assassinate them. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. I won't post any spoilers for those of you who haven't played.
In the 2nd game you play as a new character, Ezio Auditore de Firenze. Again, I won't ruin it for anyone but Ezio's story is 454395809348059840395% more interesting than Altair's.
I'm not getting into the 3rd one because a) I actually hate it and b) I didn't finish.
On to why this is my favorite. First and foremost, the storyline. Its completely enthralling and they are sooo fucking good at leaving off on cliffhangers where you want to go blow money on the next game just to figure out what happens. The controls are relatively easy and there are a lot of random side missions you can do. You don't have to follow the story. You can do races, random assassination missions, beat up missions, etc. I also like to run around town and tackle random people. But thats for my own gain. I love how you don't have to have an extensive skill set in gaming to understand how to play this game. It was one of the first video games I played all the way through, and I definitely recommend it if you want to get into gaming but don't know where to start.
Number 2!
Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2
omfg zombies. this game is my entire fucking life sometimes. the basic premises is pretty standard. zombie infestation. 4 survivors. fight your way to get rescued. the first game consists of bill, a war veteran of some sort. zoey, the token woman. louis, a black guy. and francis, the daryl dixon before daryl dixon existed. the second game consists of ellis, the redneck southerner. nick, the white gangster motherfucker. coach, a fat black guy. and rochelle, the most useless character that valve has ever came up with.
you basically fight your way through campaign levels into safe rooms and eventually try and get rescued. there are common infected which are obnoxious as fuck, and then there are the special infected. there are only hunters (jumpy spider monkey things), smokers (things with long tongues that wrap you up), boomers (they vomit on you and attract a horde), and tanks (a common infected on lots of steroids?). in 2, there are the same special infected as 1 but add jockeys (things that jump on you and literally hump your face), spitters (fuckin whore looking things that spit acid), and chargers (a guy who looks like he masturbated too much and essentially tackles you and rams you into the ground). I also forgot to mention witches. they're just things that cry and will kill you.
ilovethisgameomg. i normally dont like first person shooters but this game is sooo playable and so fun to get through. i will never grow tired of it. the levels on the first game never change. i think the only thing that changes is when you fight tanks. but the 2nd game, the levels change every time you play. you dont get secondary weapons until whenever and you do run out of ammo. you dont have melee weapons in the first game, but you do in the 2nd. its so hard to explain all the differences between 1 and 2 because its like night and fucking day. i always challenge myself to see how fast i can get through a level without being attacked or killed.
Third is hard, because I'm torn, but I'll go with this.
Final Fantasy X
Now this entire game series is absolutely fantastic. They are pure perfection. I won't go into the synopsis of the game because holy fuck we will be here forever. But this game graphically is just amazing. The character development is beautiful, the bosses are progressively more difficult, and the story is consistent. It's easy to pick up on, it's interesting. I just can't with this game. It's amazing.
I'm sorry I kind of wandered off on the end here but I don't want it to get too long.
Thanks for reading loves! more to come.
I'll probably have a few of these blogs since there is a lot to write about in the area of gaming. But I'm going to start this one by telling you my top 3 games, and why they are my favorite.
Let me start off by saying this though:
My xbox live GT is M3G1ZZLE4IZZLE. This is the only tag I use to play online. I do have a ps3 and very few computer games, but I am and always have been an xbox fangirl. I play a pretty wide variety of games on there, so please feel free to add me on xbl if you want.
Onto games!
If you're at all familiar with the tattoos I do have, you'll know why this game is my first favorite.

Assassin's Creed
I will say that the entire series is not my favorite, because the first one fails in comparison to 2. If you play through 1 and then wait like....3 months and play 2 you'll understand what I'm saying. The general jist of the game is you play as a man named Desmond Miles. A regular bartender motherfucker who is suddenly called to be a part of this...experiment? They find that your DNA is a match for that of an Assassin who lived a long time ago. They load you into this thing called the animus, blah blah blah. You play initially as Altair, and the first game is pretty repetitive. Find the Assassins lair, find a person to assassinate, assassinate them. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. I won't post any spoilers for those of you who haven't played.
In the 2nd game you play as a new character, Ezio Auditore de Firenze. Again, I won't ruin it for anyone but Ezio's story is 454395809348059840395% more interesting than Altair's.
I'm not getting into the 3rd one because a) I actually hate it and b) I didn't finish.
On to why this is my favorite. First and foremost, the storyline. Its completely enthralling and they are sooo fucking good at leaving off on cliffhangers where you want to go blow money on the next game just to figure out what happens. The controls are relatively easy and there are a lot of random side missions you can do. You don't have to follow the story. You can do races, random assassination missions, beat up missions, etc. I also like to run around town and tackle random people. But thats for my own gain. I love how you don't have to have an extensive skill set in gaming to understand how to play this game. It was one of the first video games I played all the way through, and I definitely recommend it if you want to get into gaming but don't know where to start.
Number 2!

Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2
omfg zombies. this game is my entire fucking life sometimes. the basic premises is pretty standard. zombie infestation. 4 survivors. fight your way to get rescued. the first game consists of bill, a war veteran of some sort. zoey, the token woman. louis, a black guy. and francis, the daryl dixon before daryl dixon existed. the second game consists of ellis, the redneck southerner. nick, the white gangster motherfucker. coach, a fat black guy. and rochelle, the most useless character that valve has ever came up with.
you basically fight your way through campaign levels into safe rooms and eventually try and get rescued. there are common infected which are obnoxious as fuck, and then there are the special infected. there are only hunters (jumpy spider monkey things), smokers (things with long tongues that wrap you up), boomers (they vomit on you and attract a horde), and tanks (a common infected on lots of steroids?). in 2, there are the same special infected as 1 but add jockeys (things that jump on you and literally hump your face), spitters (fuckin whore looking things that spit acid), and chargers (a guy who looks like he masturbated too much and essentially tackles you and rams you into the ground). I also forgot to mention witches. they're just things that cry and will kill you.
ilovethisgameomg. i normally dont like first person shooters but this game is sooo playable and so fun to get through. i will never grow tired of it. the levels on the first game never change. i think the only thing that changes is when you fight tanks. but the 2nd game, the levels change every time you play. you dont get secondary weapons until whenever and you do run out of ammo. you dont have melee weapons in the first game, but you do in the 2nd. its so hard to explain all the differences between 1 and 2 because its like night and fucking day. i always challenge myself to see how fast i can get through a level without being attacked or killed.
Third is hard, because I'm torn, but I'll go with this.

Final Fantasy X
Now this entire game series is absolutely fantastic. They are pure perfection. I won't go into the synopsis of the game because holy fuck we will be here forever. But this game graphically is just amazing. The character development is beautiful, the bosses are progressively more difficult, and the story is consistent. It's easy to pick up on, it's interesting. I just can't with this game. It's amazing.
I'm sorry I kind of wandered off on the end here but I don't want it to get too long.

Thanks for reading loves! more to come.
I too am an XBox child lol. My GT is Lord Renob but I haven't had a Gold membership in years; just never have time to play, sadly. I'd have to say my fave top 3 is: Halo (all of them hehe is that cheating?), KotOR and Morrowind.
Have you played the new AC yet? After the vastness of the pirate adventure I don't know if Paris is going to be as fulfilling