so i have not been posting this week due to the fact that I was incredibly busy getting ready to move. well i got to the new place and was so excited to start working on it. YES! NO! my 3rd night moving things in and doing cleaning up I lost my shit, I was wiping down all the walls with bleach when i noticed these really small spiders everywhere, they kinda blended in with the dust that was on the walls, btw this apt was occupied as of 5 days ago - they had lived there 2 years although i dont know how they did it. As I was noticing all these tiny spiders I was also noticing lots of gaps in the walls where other bugs were sneaking thru - I being the curious little devil i am have to keep looking keep poking around - maybe i can fix it i tell myself, NO WAY! After lifting up the ceiling tiles I noticed that they were directly connected to the outside area and covered in all sorts of creepy crawleys. Also I found a dead rat in the middle of the floor with small bugs crawling all over it.
done and done - my apt search continues
done and done - my apt search continues
You have me totally checking out my new apartment now. Thanks for that.

Nope. Just a one bedroom turned into a two bedroom with a couple living here. leads to cheap rent.