I've been alright, still waiting on news about getting out of Colorado, we're hoping for Ft Lee, VA since the hubby grew up in Richmond and it's really close to his family. Not really been up to much, my usual, playing 360 and crocheting stuff.
Yeah I feel ya lol my girls gonna be in san cali not too excited lol but oh well but that sounds nice hope everything works out for you ^_^. Haha sounds exciting
Shits kinda slow around here bahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahh. <---- my girlfrind caused me to do that lmao
So do you have any big plans for this next year? It's kind of just another day, or should I say year huh?
well, hit me up if you want to talk.
have a great one....though I am not sure what a ONE is, I'll let you decide :0)