Well this June I'll be in Las Vegas for EDC. It will be my first year going and I cannot wait.
Dressing like a gogo dancer really isn't my style, but for those three days I plan to be running around half naked and looking super sexy.
Aside from my the outfits I need figure out, I have been working out and trying different beauty treatments to get super sexy ;)
Fun fact!!; I had never done a single squat until this year. My butt was epic already, imagine it now that I am doing squats. I've been doing simple ab, leg, butt and arm workouts in a challenge I put together for myself. I have been also doing some yoga as well ^-^
I have been also making myself a facial mask made up of lemon juice, honey and cinnamon. I am hoping it will help a lot with my blemishes by the time of edc. Along with a coffee body scrub I made, I hope to fade my stretch marks as well.
Anyone have some tips or other masks and scrubs that work well for them for ance, dark spots, stretch marks, please feel free to share.
Here are some pictures of me in my coffee scrub. ^-^